Night Owl WMC Series User Manual
Page 17

Night Owl L / TL / P / WMC Series Manual
Step 1: Select [Record icon], from then click on the [REC Para] tab to enter the
recording parameter settings.
Your Night Owl system lets you record video in a variety of ways choosing individual
channels/cameras, specific times, as well as continuous recording or motion activated.
Step 2: CH - Choose the cameras/channel you want to configure.
Step 3: Record [Enable] or [Disable] recording for each channel.
Step 4: Pack/Recording Duration: Select max continuous record
time (15, 30, 45 or 60 min).
Step 5: Pre-record: Your Night Owl is continuously sampling so with this function
enabled you collect material that occurs just before a Motion initiated recording.
The next tab of the Record menu is [Schedule].
Step 1: Select a Channel
Step 2: Select a day of the Week
Step 3: Select the record status you want:
(Normal, Motion, or No Record) by clicking on the box on the timeline.
You can copy settings from one day or channel to other days or channels.
Step 4: After you complete the recording schedule save settings by clicking [Apply].
[Default] will reset all values to the system defaults.
Color Codes for Recording In the Record and Search menus,