Ridetech 11406799 User Manual

Page 3

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350 S. St. Charles St. Jasper, In. 47546

Ph. 812.482.2932 Fax 812.634.6632

92 to 99 4 Dr. Tahoe /Yukon

1. Support truck at comfortable working height using jackstands under the frame.
2. Support the rear axle with a floor jack.
3. Remove 1 leafspring assembly. [Removing 1 at a time will prevent having to chase the rearend across
the shop!]
4. Remove the front leafspring frame hangar by drilling or grinding the attaching rivits.
5. Install the AirBar frame bracket. Notice that there is a left and a right bracket. The bar brackets will be
angled to the rear.
6. Install the axle bracket assembly. The locating legs of the lower bracket will be inserted into the bottom
side of the original leafspring pad on the axle tube. The assembly is secured with [4] 5/8 x 7” bolts, [8]
flatwashers, and nyloc nuts. Tighten the nuts evenly to approx. 110 ft./lbs. Be sure the lower bracket legs
are properly inserted into the leafspring pad.
7. Install the 4 link bars into the frame brackets and axle brackets. The shorter bar goes on top. The swivel
end goes to the front. The solid ends are to the axle. The complete assembly will appear as the picture

This is the passenger
side AirBar assembly.

This is the AirBar axle assembly detail. [Your
assembly may not have threaded ends]

8. Repeat the above steps for the
opposite side.