Ridetech 12176799 User Manual
Page 3

Installation instructions
1. Raise vehicle to a comfortable working height and support the frame with jackstands ahead of the leafspring
hangar and also behind the axle center.
2. Remove wheels and tires.
3. Remove bed.
4. The C notch framerail section will be
installed first. Use the C notch as the
template. Line up the bumpstop positions
on the new C notch and the OEM
framerail to determine exact position of
C notch. Then scribe the outline of the
notch onto the framerail and cut out that
section using a sawzall, cutoff wheel or
other appropriate tool. NOTE: Using a
torch make a huge mess and increases
that chance of fire or other accident. BE
5. After the framerail is cut, slide the C
notch over the frame and use it as a
template to mark and drill the attachment
holes. The C notch will be a snug fit and
may require a few light taps to get
positioned properly.
6. Install the upper bar frame brackets. This will
require removal of 2 of the attachment rivets on the
OEM leafspring hangar. The new frame bracket will
index off of these two points. You will need to drill
the remaining attachment holes using the bracket as
the template.