Ridetech 13027199 User Manual

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1. Raise the vehicle to a safe and comfortable working height. Use jack stands to support the vehicle
with the suspension hanging freely.

2. Support the axle and remove the leaf springs, front leaf spring mounts, shocks, tail pipes, bump
stops, sway bar and pinion snubber. Refer to the factory service manual for proper disassemble
procedures. Save the hardware for the bump stops and pinion snubber, they will be reused.

3. Place the upper bar mount up to
the body. It will align off of the two
sway bar mount holes and the front
bump stop mount hole.

4. Mark and drill the remaining 6
holes in the frame with a 5/16” bit.
The 3 holes in the body will be drilled
with a 3/8” bit. Six 3/8” x 1” thread
forming bolts and flat washers will
secure the mount to the frame.

5. On the driver side you will have to
temporarily remove the brake line
body mount.

6. The inner support plate will bolt to
the floor pan on the inside of the car
using six 3/8” x 1” bolts, Nyloks and
flat washers. The remaining 4 holes
will need to be drill and will use 3/8” x
2 ¼” bolts, Nyloks and flat washers.