Nitrous Express Bottle Mounting User Manual

Nitrous Express For the car

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Mounting the Bottle

The bottle should be mounted in the trunk area or outside of the passenger

compartment. If this is not possible or practical a NHRA approved blow down tube

and vent fitting (PN 11708 and 11709) must be installed. The best positioning of

the bottle is shown in diagram “A”.


Mounting the bottle in this manner will allow the internal siphon tube to be covered

with liquid nitrous at all times and properly supports the bottle. Refer to the chart

below to determine the suggested bracket spacing.

Assemble the brackets on the bottle with the short bracket on the bottom

(motorcycle brackets are the same height) and the top bracket the specified distance

apart as shown on the chart below. This assembly will serve as a template to locate

the four mounting holes. The bottle brackets should be secured by grade 5 bolts

and washers. Before drilling the holes be sure to check for clearance beneath the

mounting surface, i.e.: fuel tank, fuel lines, and brake lines. Each dimension given

below is from the bottom of the bottle to the center of the bracket, a 10% variance

in spacing, if necessary, is acceptable.