Nitrous Express Purge Valve system (15605) User Manual

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Section B – Wiring and testing

1. Wiring the purge valve is easy but care must be taken. One of the two wires on the solenoid will go to
ground, the other will attach to your push button. The other terminal on the push button will go to the
positive output of your master arming switch.

2. TESTING: Slowly open the bottle valve. Now is the time to check for leaks, if any are seen or heard
tighten the fitting that is leaking.

3. Turn the arming switch on and push the purge activation button; you should hear a click and see
liquid (white) N2O coming from the vent line.

4. Now you are ready to use your new NX purge.

Note: The nitrous and fuel solenoids are rated only for intermittent duty. Do not engage either solenoid
for more than 20 continuous seconds. Solenoids that have “burned or scorched” electro-magnets will
not be replaced under warranty.