Nitrous Express Water Methanol Stage 1 User Manual
Page 6

Tuning Quick Reference
The power potential of the system is realized through increased boost and/or timing. The large gains on octane
and cooling provided by the system make this possible, even on standard pump fuel.
The Water Methanol system adds an alternate fuel source as well as signifi cantly cools combustion. With the
Water Methanol system, one does not need to cool combustion with overly rich air/fuel ratios. To minimize
combustion quench, you should start with an air to fuel ratio of 12.0-12.5:1.
Injecting water/methanol lower than 3300-3500 RPM could result in combustion quench. All vehicles are dif-
ferent. If the engine bogs or loses power, then it is coming on too early, the quantity is too much, or there is not
enough methanol in the mixture (50/50 water/methanol recommended).
Maintenance – Remove nozzle(s) and clean screen fi lters once per year using carb cleaner.
The Water Methanol system has been designed to operate with high concentrations of methanol. Oil or other
additives are not required for system lubrication, and can cause damage to the system.
Contaminants in the fl uid such as dirt can damage the system. Ensure that dirt and debris do not fall into the
Do not use Tefl on tape or paste to seal connections. These sealers are not as effective as the Goop sealant pro-
vided and can break down over time, clogging components.
Fluid Level Switch Instructions
Locate desired level switch mounting position. Suggested
placement is 1/5 of max reservoir height.
Carefully drill side of reservoir using 13/16” bit. A step
bit is recommended for best drilling results. Hole must be free of
nicks or shavings for proper sealing.
Remove rubber seal from level switch. Insert seal into
reservoir until fully seated. Goop can be used around the edges of
the hole.
Lubricate exterior of level switch with water and insert
into seal until fully seated. Position level switch so GT symbol is
at six o’clock position.
Wait 30 minutes for Goop to cure, then test for leaks. With fl uid level above level switch, fl oat should be
angled up. With fl uid level below level switch, fl oat should be in horizontal position.
Connect one black wire from level switch to ground.
Connect other black wire from level switch to white wire from LED.
Connect red wire from LED to +12 volt key on power source.
Low Fluid LED