Nitrous Express Water Methanol Stage 2 User Manual

Page 4

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Installation - Electrical
Variable Controller Installation

Attach the controller to secure location with easy access in engine bay
or passenger compartment. The VC series controllers are designed to
withstand engine bay conditions, but should not be mounted directly to
the engine block. Often a location inside the passenger cabin is ideal as
long as wires can be routed safely through the fi rewall. Be sure to mount
the controller with easy access to the adjustment dials.

CAUTION: Disconnect the negative battery terminal while connecting wires to prevent electrical fi re or damage
to controller.

Connect BLACK wire to a good ground location.

Connect GREEN wire to Pump RED power wire.

Connect RED wire to 12 volt key on source. When selecting a 12 volt key-on source, try to fi nd a dedicated

circuit fused for 10-15 amps.

Connect YELLOW wire to the MAF sensor signal output wire. Pontiac GTOs for instance use a brown

wire with white stripe.

Setting MAF Sensor Type
The VC-MAF controller is designed to work with four different types of vehicle MAF sensors. A four position
switch located inside the VC-MAF allows the selection of the MAF sensor type. The 4th switch engages a
traditional 0-5V MAF mode. The VC-MAF reads the selection switch on power up to determine the mode of
operation. The switch selection can be changed at any time, but power to the VC-MAF needs to be cycled before
the new selection will be used.

To access the MAF selector switch, remove the plastic plug located under the wire harness connector on the front
of the VC-MAF. The default setting is all switches but 4 (right) in the OFF or UP position. This selects a 0-5 volt
output type of MAF sensor.





Mitsubishi/Dodge (DSM etc)





1993 and Older GM (Low HZ MAFs)





1994 and Newer GM (High HZ MAFs, VW 2.0T etc.)





0-5V Hotwire MAFs (Ford, Toyota, 1.8T VW etc.)

Note: Only one switch can be in the ON or DOWN position at a time. If more then one switch is in the ON
position, the VC-MAF will not control injection properly.

Variable Controller Tuning

Adjust the START level fi rst by turning dial clockwise to the 12:00 position. This sets the MAF sensor

output required to activate the injection system.

Next, adjust FULL level to the air fl ow sensors max voltage or HZ output.

Note - over lapping the settings, where the FULL dial is lower then START, will result in max injection at

the onset point.