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3. Connect a grounded wire to the “Ground” terminal of the toggle.
4. The system is furnished with a universal wide-open throttle switch. This WOT micro-switch is

designed to work with the furnished universal mounting bracket. Its maximum capacity is 10 AMPS
and should only be used to activate low amp draw accessories or in conjunction with the supplied

A. Assemble the micro-

switch on the mounting bracket using the supplied 3⁄4” 4-40 bolts and nuts.

The switch can be mounted in several different configurations, select the position you require and
tighten the bolts. Do not over-tighten; the plastic micro switch can be damaged.

B. The activation arm on the micro-switch is extra long. This allows you to twist, bend, or cut it to aid

in the ease of installation.

C. The mounting bracket is made of easily bendable material and may be formed to any configuration

that will allow it to place the WOT switch in the proper location. Be sure the WOT switch is only
activated at wide open throttle.


Attach a 18-ga, jumper wire from the remaining terminal “ACC” of the master arming switch to one

of the terminals on the wide open throttle switch.

6. Using the blue 18-ga. wire supplied with the system, connect the remaining wide-open throttle terminal

to the “Red” wire on the supplied heavy duty relay. (See wiring diagram).

7. Use the red 12-ga. wire to connect the “BAT” terminal of the alternator or to the + post on the vehicle

battery, to the “Black” wire on the heavy duty relay. (If desired a 40 amp fuse may be installed here)

8. Attach one wire from each of the Fuel and Nitrous solenoids to the “Green” wire on the relay. Note:

These coils are direct current and it does not matter which wire is used. Now attach the two remaining
solenoid wires to a good ground source.

9. Attach the “White” wire from the relay to ground. If using an optional fuel pressure safety switch

connect the white wire of the relay to one terminal of the fuel pressure safety switch and the other
terminal of the fuel pressure safety switch to ground.

10. Reconnect the negative battery cable.
11. At this point both solenoids should be tested for proper operation. Note: (Be sure the nitrous bottle is

off and there is no pressure in the N2O supply line). If you are using a fuel safety pressure switch you
must use a jumper wire between the NO and C terminals when testing the solenoids. To test, turn the
“arming” toggle switch to the ON position and push the “activating” wide-open throttle switch. A
clicking sound should be heard as the solenoids open. IMPORTANT: Make sure that both of the
solenoids are clicking! If no sound is heard or only one of the solenoids is working, check all wire
connections and the wiring schematic for proper connections.

12. Connect the feed line to the nitrous bottle and slowly open the valve listening for leaks. When it is

confirmed that there are no nitrous leaks activate the fuel pump and check for fuel leaks. With the
pump running gently break the connection between the hose from the fuel rail to the fuel solenoid to
bleed any trapped air out of this line. IMPORTANT NOTE: Before continuing be sure no raw
nitrous has been injected into the engine during testing of the electrical system. If ANY nitrous was
accidently injected you must disconnect the coil wire(s) and rotate the engine with the starter motor
for at least 10 seconds with the throttle body completely open to clear the engine of all residual
nitrous. After you have verified that there is no fuel or nitrous leaks start the engine.

Note: The nitrous and fuel solenoids are rated only for intermittent duty. Do not engage either solenoid
for more than 20 continuous seconds. Solenoids that have “burned or scorched” electro-magnets will not
be replaced under warranty.