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1. Mount the toggle (Arming) switch in a location that is within easy reach of and in plain sight of the
2. Using 18-ga. Blue wire and connectors supplied in the switch kit, connect a HOT lead (12 VDC
POSITIVE) to the “Power” terminal of the toggle switch. (Use 5 amp inline fuse if desired). This power
source must be controlled by the ignition switch (See wiring Schematic).
3. Connect a grounded wire to the “Ground” terminal of the toggle. (Gold colored terminal.)
4. Attach an 18-ga. jumper wire from the remaining terminal “ACC” of the master arming switch to
the red wire of the TPS autolearn WOT Switch.
5. Using the 18-ga. wire supplied with the system, connect the remaining Pink wire of the TPS Autolearn
WOT Switch. (See wiring diagram).
6.Connect the white wire of the TPS autolearn switch to the varying voltage (0-5v) wire on the gas pedal
inside the car.
7. Use the red 12-ga. wire to connect the “BAT” terminal of the alternator or to the + post on the vehicle
battery, to the “Black” wire on the heavy duty relay. (If desired a 40 amp fuse may be installed here
8. Connect the pink wire of the TPS Wide Open Throttle Module to the “Red” wire on the supplied heavy
duty relay. (See wiring diagram).
9. Attach the white wire of the relay to ground. If using an optional fuel safety switch connect the switch
between the white wire.
10. Using 12-ga. Wire, connect the “Black” wire of the heavy duty relay to the positive + post on the
vehicle battery. (If desired a 40 amp fuse may be installed near the battery)
11. Using 12-ga. Wire, attach one wire from each of the solenoids to the “Green” wire on the relay. Note:
These coils are direct current and it does not matter which wire is positive or negative. Now attach the
two remaining solenoid wires to a good ground.
12. Reconnect the battery cable.
13. For TPS Wide Open Throttle Module programming instructions reference the instructions below.
There are two versions of TPS Wide Open Throttle Module available. If your TPS Wide Open Throttle
Module has two LEDs follow the programming instructions below. If your TPS Wide Open Throttle
Module has only one LED skip to the section labeled TPS Wide Open Throttle Module with one LED.
PROGRAMMING A TPS Wide Open Throttle Module with two LEDs.
The NX TPAS is designed to trigger a relay, 1 amp maximum current draw, at or near wide open throttle
and automatically calibrates itself to work with rising or falling signal.
1. The NX TPS Wide Open Throttle Module may be installed inside or under the hood. Mount the unit in
a place that it will be easy to access the learn button and view the LEDs. Make sure the unit is located
away from any heat source, i.e. exhaust manifold, header, or EGR.
2. Following the wiring diagram, route all wires but make no connections.
3. You must determine which wire on your vehicle’s TPS is the output signal to the vehicles computer.
4. Connect all wires per NX Self- Programming Throttle Position Activation Switch wiring diagram using
a 1 to 3 amp fuse in series with the red wire.
5. On initial power up, press and hold the button while turning on switched +12 volts. The green LED
should begin flashing indicating that the unit is not programmed.
6. Release the button.
7. With the throttle at pedal at idle position, press and hold the button until the red LED comes on
(approximately 4 seconds). The green LED will continue to flash. Release the button and leave the