Merit Medical PD Percutaneous Kit IFU User Manual

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Figure 6 Figure 7

Note: Use the radiopaque stripe as a guide to avoid twist-

ing the catheter. (Figure 7) For optimal catheter placement,

radiopaque stripe should be oriented directly anterior or

directly posterior in the patient.

Implanting the Catheter

Technique #1 – Over-the-Wire using a Peelable

Introducer Sheath

Figure 8


A. Maintaining the position of the distal end of the guide

wire, if placing a coiled catheter, straighten catheter coil

in order to load the catheter over the proximal end of

the wire.

B. Continue to advance the catheter over the guide wire

and through the peelable sheath introducer (Figure 8).

Under fluoroscopic guidance, manipulate the guide

wire and catheter in tandem until the distal end of the

wire is in appropriate position.

C. Once optimal catheter positioning is achieved, continue

to “Implanting the Rectus Cuff.”

Technique #2 – Implantation Stylette Technique

Note: A Merit catheter straightening stylette (sold sepa-

rately non-sterile) can be used in place of the guide wire

included in the kit.

Caution: Extreme care should be taken when using the

stylette with or without fluoroscopy.

Warning: Organ perforation may occur if fluoroscopic

guidance is not utilized.


A. Remove the guide wire and internal sheath dilator

simultaneously, once optimal peritoneal placement is


B. Lubricate the facility-sterilized catheter stylette with

sterile gel or saline.

C. Insert the stylette into the catheter.

D. Lubricate the distal part of the catheter with sterile gel

or saline.

E. Insert catheter, with stylette, carefully into the peelable


F. Under fluoroscopic guidance, advance the catheter

through the sheath, periodically retracting the stylette.

Note: Keep the tip of the stylette within the abdomen to

help the catheter move through the rectus muscle.

Caution: Make sure the catheter is not doubled on itself,

kinked, or twisted (Figure 7).

Implanting the Rectus Cuff

23. Grasp the tabs of the peelable sheath and crack and

peel the sheath to the level of the anterior rectus

sheath, approximately 5 cm.

24. Place the Cuff Implantor between the two cuffs of the

catheter and advance to the distal (deep) cuff.

25. While bracing the cuff with the Cuff Implantor, advance

the distal cuff with the Cuff Implantor and peeled part

the sheath into the rectus fascia.

26. Holding the distal cuff with the Cuff Implantor in the

rectus muscle, peel the remaining sheath with assis-

tance from the procedural assistant.

27. Once the peelable sheath is completely removed, con-

tinue to advance the Cuff Implantor until the distal cuff

is passed through the opening of the anterior rectus

sheath. The bracket on the Cuff implantor will keep the

Cuff Implantor from passing through the anterior rectus


28. Retract the Cuff Implantor tool parallel with the cathe-

ter, without dislocating or moving the distal cuff.

Removing Tools and Tunneling the Catheter

29. Digitally and visually verify that the distal cuff is just

below anterior rectus sheath.

Note: To improve visualization of the cuff, it is helpful to

retract incision site tissue.

30. Remove the guide wire or stylette.

31. Slide the proximal end of the catheter over the barbed

end of the Faller Trocar, onto the indented section of

the Trocar past the barb.

32. Secure the catheter with a suture by tying the suture

around the catheter to ensure holding strength during

the tunneling process.

33. Insert the sharp end of the Faller Trocar into the initial

implantation site, as indicated by the Implantation

Stencil markings, aiming the sharp tip toward the

planned exit-site as indicated by the Implantation

Stencil markings.

34. Advance the sharp tip of the trocar along the planned


Cautions: The Fallar Trocar is very sharp and can create

sever hematomas or lacerations in the patient or injure the

user if not used correctly by qualified medical personnel.

Warning: Do not twist the catheter.

35. When the trocar tip is close to the exit-site, make a stab

incision not to exceed 5.0 mm with a #11 blade at the


36. Advance the Faller Trocar through the exit-site incision.

Note: Do not twist or kink the catheter.

37. Pull the catheter through the tunnel, and out through

the exit-site and assure the subcutaneous cuff is opti-

mally located.

38. Cut the catheter off of the Faller Trocar at the end of the

barbed tip of the trocar.