Using the scan tool – Equus 3130 - Scan Tool – OBD2 User Manual

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To have an efficient Vehicle Emission Control System, all the emis-
sions-related components and systems must work correctly whenever
the vehicle is in operation.

To comply with State and Federal Government regulations, vehicle
manufacturers designed a series of special computer programs called
"Monitors" that are programmed into the vehicle's computer. Each of
these Monitors is specifically designed to run tests and diagnostics on
a specific emissions-related component or system (Oxygen Sensor,
Catalytic Converter, EGR Valve, Fuel System, etc.) to ensure their
proper operation. Currently, there are a maximum of eleven Monitors
available for use.

Each Monitor has a specific function to test and diagnose
only its designated emissions-related component or system.
The names of the Monitors (Oxygen Sensor Monitor, Catalyst
Monitor, EGR Monitor, Misfire Monitor, etc.) describe which
component or system each Monitor is designed to test and

Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Readiness

Monitor Status Information

I/M Readiness Monitor Status shows which of the vehicle's Monitors
have run and completed their diagnosis and testing, and which ones
have not yet run and completed testing and diagnosis of their desig-
nated sections of the vehicle's emissions system.

If a Monitor was able to meet all the conditions required to enable it
to perform the self-diagnosis and testing of its assigned engine sys-
tem, it means the monitor "HAS RUN.”

If a Monitor has not yet met all the conditions required for it to per-
form the self-diagnosis and testing of its assigned engine system; it
means the Monitor "HAS NOT RUN.”

The Monitor Run/Not Run status does not show whether
or not a problem exists in a system. Monitor status only
indicates whether a particular Monitor has or has not run
and performed the self-diagnosis and testing of its asso-
ciated system.

Performing I/M Readiness Quick Check

When a vehicle first comes from the factory, all Monitors indi-
cate a “HAVE RUN” status. This indicates that all Monitors
have run and completed their diagnostic testing. The “HAVE
RUN” status remains in the computer's memory, unless the
Diagnostic Trouble Codes are erased or the vehicle's com-
puter memory is cleared.

Using the Scan Tool