Fixed—width data for load operations, Delimited data, Field delimiter character – HP Neoview Release 2.3 Software User Manual
Page 64: Record separator character
Fixed—Width Data for Load Operations
Transporter addresses and processes a fixed—width input field as follows, in this order:
is specified, determine whether the input field matches the
value, ignoring leading and trailing white space. If it matches, the input is
considered a NULL value.
If the target data type is not a character type, trim leading and trailing white space characters.
If the target data type is a character type, trim only trailing white space characters.
If the target data type is a character type, truncate any characters beyond the field length
that Neoview SQL expects for the column or SQL expression. If any of the truncated characters
are not white space, reject the record and write it to the
If no characters remain in the input field:
if the target data type is a character type, consider the value as an empty string.
if the target data type is a type other than a character type, reject the record and write
it to the
Process remaining characters as appropriate for the target data type. If a field cannot be
processed according to the specified
rules, reject the record and
write it to the
Delimited Data
This section addresses field delimiter characters, record separator characters, and delimited data
in load operations.
Field Delimiter Character
When you submit delimited input data, you separate the data fields with a delimiter character.
The default value is the comma (,) or you can specify a delimiter in the Control File with the
fields delimited by character
can be a comma (,) a semicolon (;), or any character you specify in octal, with these
The lowercase letters a though z
The uppercase letters A though Z
Decimal numbers 0 though 9
Carriage return (\015) or line feed (\012)
fields delimited by <,>
fields delimited by <;>
fields delimited by <\024>
Record Separator Character
The record separator character is one or more
records separated by
indicates that each record is separated by two
For a load operation,
— A single carriage return (CR) character (hex 0x0D)
— A single line feed (LF) character (hex 0x0A)
— A single carriage-return/line feed (CR/LF) pair
For an extract operation,
Data Processing