Hp management solutions – HP Netserver L Server series User Manual

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Chapter 2

HP Navigator


For Manual NOS Installation Only: Before you perform a manual NOS
installation, you must print out instructions and manually create
NOS-specific drivers diskettes, as follows:

Create Drivers Diskette(s): On the Create Drivers Diskette(s) screen,
select Create Drivers Diskette(s) to create one or more customized
diskettes containing HP drivers and configuration files to use when
you install the NOS.

Print and Read Instructions: You may already have done this
directly from the Custom Configuration menu option Show NOS
. If not, on the Show NOS Installation Instructions
screen, select Save to Disk to copy the Network Operating System
Installation Instructions
to disk. Then print them out from the disk.
Read the instructions first, and then follow them to manually install
the NOS.

Install NOS:

Automated NOS Installation: For certain versions of Novell
NetWare / IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server,
Configuration Assistant partitions and formats the hard drive, and
Installation Assistant guides you through the NOS installation and
configures the NOS with the appropriate drivers for the HP-bundled

Manual NOS Installation: Follow the instructions on the screen and
the Network Operating System Installation Instructions that you
printed out.

Replicate Configuration

In Replicate configuration mode, you can save a copy of your current system
configuration or load a previously saved configuration. This method saves time
when configuring multiple, identical systems. Select Replicate on the
Configuration Assistant menu.

HP Management Solutions

HP Management Solutions is a comprehensive suite of utilities, applications, and
built-in features to manage multiple servers locally or from remote locations. If
you are unfamiliar with these products or concepts,