HP OneView for Microsoft System Center User Manual
HP Software

HP Virtual Connect Management Pack
(v 3.0) for Microsoft System Center User
This guide provides information for system administrators who use the HP Virtual Connect Management Pack and other HP
tools to operate and manage HP Virtual Connect in a Microsoft System Center environment.
HP Part Number: 738364-001
Published: July 2013
Edition: 1
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP Virtual Connect Management Pack (v 3.0) for Microsoft System Center User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Using the Virtual Connect Management Pack with Operations Manager
- 3 More about the Virtual Connect Management Pack
- 4 Virtual Connect NT events
- 5 Troubleshooting
- Introduction
- Authoring issues
- Operational and usage issues
- Researching state monitoring
- Expected associated classes are not displaying in the Domain State or Health Collection views
- Event view and Performance view are empty
- Tasks not launching from the Health Explorer Properties or Product Knowledge pages
- The Group Diagram view displays initials of folder names
- Active Alert view displays one alert although multiple device state changes occurred
- Management console displays the same domain multiple times
- Management console does not display alerts in the Active Alert view when opened from the Domain State view
- Health Explorer does not display Knowledge Information for computers and certain Windows components
- HP Custom Data Manager cannot be used in the HP Virtual Connect Management Pack
- Health rollup to VC Domain does not bring the worst case health status from underlying health components
- If a VC FC Uplink becomes unpopulated its health status is set to “Warning” instead of “Healthy”, irrespective of Flex-Fabric and Ethernet uplinks
- If an FC cable is removed from a VC FC module, the alert from the port does not display in the VC Active Alerts view
- When an uplink status restores from Error to Normal, Event ID 7500 is raised in VC Active Alerts view
- Alerts show the IP of the module rather than the overall Primary IP, or statically configured domain IP
- When a static domain IP is configured, any alert raised from a Primary VC module will have the source IP of the domain IP instead of the Primary module IP
- When an Ethernet/Flex Fabric/FC module's power is switched off its Uplink status shows “Healthy”, but the Port status property shows “Not Linked” in the Ethernet/Flex Fabric/FC Uplink Ports State view
- Managing a VC domain via any VCEM web console
- Device Monitor (DMC and DMS) operational and usage issues
- 6 Support and other resources
- 7 Documentation feedback
- Index