HP CD52 External CD-Writer Series User Manual
Page 49

Nero Express
• 49
More Music on your media:
Offering 128 kbps (kilo bits per second) performance at a 64 kbps encoding rate,
mp3PRO doubles the digital music capacity of flash memory and of compact discs.
For example, traditional audio CDs hold about 15 songs, and an mp3 CD can hold
150 or more songs encoded at 128 kbps. In the near future, when mp3 CD players
incorporate the mp3PRO decoder, consumers will be able to store over 300 songs
on an mp3PRO encoded Compact Disc.
Sound Quality:
The fact is, mp3PRO provides superior sound quality at lower bit rates than
traditional mp3. You simply have to experience the difference yourself.
for the mp3PRO encoder.
If you already own the version or higher of Nero (not the demo version),
then add UNLIMITED mp3PRO AND MP3 Encoding support with the "Nero
mp3PRO encoder Plug-in".
If you own an older version of Nero (below you are still able to order the
MP3-Encoder (without "PRO").
The demo and update version of Nero (and future updates) includes a 30
times trial version of the mp3PRO encoder for you to enjoy. After you’ve tested the
encoder 30 times you can decid
enhanced mp3PRO files!
If you already own the version or higher (including Nero 5.5) of Nero (not
the demo version), then add UNLIMITED MP3 Encoding support with the "Nero
MP3 encoder Plug-in".
This encoder (without "PRO") cannot be upgraded later to mp3PRO.