HP CD52 External CD-Writer Series User Manual
Page 113

Nero Express
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as On-The-Fly transfers the data directly from their original memory locations on a
hard drive onto the CD-R. With Nero, a so-called compilation is used for this
purpose. This is a small file which only cross-references the data to be transferred.
Orange Book
The standard in which the CD-MO (Magneto-Optical) and CD-WO (Write Once)
technologies are defined. It provides the basis for CD-R.
PAL is the standard video and television in Europe. PAL has more horizontal lines
than NTSC however, PAL has less frames per second than NTSC.
A CD which is used for storing images, photos, slides and other visual data. The
Photo-CD is generally capable of multi-sessions. The standard originates from
Kodak and Philips.
A plugin is a software file that allows one to have or use extra features with their
software or to help fix an issue.
The preparation of data which is to be written onto a CD at some later time. An
image, which represents an exact replica of the data and the directory structure, is
usually created first.
Red Book
This standard describes the CD-DA.
An old outdated data structure standard which was created by Adaptec to support
filenames up to 128 characters long including spaces. Files used with the Romeo
standard can only be read under Windows ’95 and NT operating systems. Unicode
characters are not supported, however, they can be read on the Macintosh
systems provided that the characters do not exceed 31 characters.
Scan Rate
This is the indication of the frequency with which analog signals are converted into
digital characters.
Small Computer System Interface. SCSI is a modern bus system to which different
terminal devices such as an SCSI hard drive, streamers or a CD-burner may be
connected. At this time, SCSI is the only possibility of operating a CD-burner on a
typically-used computer system.