Document organization – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 7

Updated the Hibernate distribution version in the
“Downloading the Hibernate Distribution on
Added the
“Downloading Hibernate Dependency JAR Files using Gradle” (page 93)
Added the
“Customizing the Hibernate Dialect for NonStop” (page 95)
Added a note and the Prerequisites for the Hibernate sample applications in the
Sample Hibernate Applications on NonStop” (page 98)
“Connection Pooling” (page 112)
Added recommendations under
“Module File Caching Configurations” (page 330)
Document Organization
This manual is organized as follows:
This chapter provides an overview of Java frameworks on
NonStop systems.
This chapter describes the following topics:
An overview of Spring
Installing and configuring Spring Framework
Developing sample Java applications using Spring
Integrating Spring with TMF
This chapter describes the following topics:
Chapter 3: Hibernate Framework
An overview of Hibernate
Installing and configuring Hibernate on NonStop
Developing sample Java applications using Hibernate
Customizing Hibernate dialect for NonStop
This chapter describes the following topics:
An overview of MyFaces
Installing and configuring MyFaces on a NonStop
Developing sample Java applications using MyFaces
This chapter describes the following topics:
Chapter 5: Axis2/Java Framework
An overview of Axis2/Java
Installing and configuring Axis2/Java on NonStop
Developing sample Java applications using Axis2/Java
This chapter provides you information on how to:
Chapter 6: Integrating Frameworks
Use the Spring Transaction Manager
Integrate Spring into Hibernate
Develop Spring JPA applications using Hibernate
Integrate Axis2/Java into Spring
Integrate MyFaces into Spring
This appendix contains the EmpInfo database script.
Appendix A: EmpInfo Database Script
This appendix provides information on the common
NonStop configuration requirements for the frameworks.
Appendix B: NonStop Specific Configurations
This appendix describes how to deploy sample applications
on NonStop systems.
Appendix C: Deploying Sample Applications on NonStop
Document Organization