Deploying caveat emptor on nonstop, Running caveat emptor on nonstop, The eventmanager web application – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 103: Building eventmanager on windows

Copy the setenv script file from <My SASH Home>\hibernate\samples\eg\setup
to <NonStop SASH Home>/hibernate/samples/eg/setup.
Set the execute permissions of the setenv script file:
OSS> chmod +x setenv
Run the setenv script file:
To use the JDBC Type 2 driver, type:
OSS> . ./setenv T2
To use the JDBC Type 4 driver, type:
OSS> . ./setenv T4
Deploying Caveat Emptor on NonStop
To deploy Caveat Emptor on a NonStop system, transfer the application JAR file
(caveatemptor.jar) from the <My SASH Home>\hibernate\eg\dist Windows directory
to the <NonStop SASH Home>/hibernate/samples/eg OSS directory.
Running Caveat Emptor on NonStop
Go to <NonStop SASH Home>/hibernate/samples/eg:
For example,
OSS> cd /home/sash_usr/sash/hibernate/samples/eg
Extract the caveatemptor.jar file:
OSS> jar -xvf caveatemptor.jar
Run the Caveat Emptor application:
OSS> java
When is run, Caveat Emptor performs the following actions:
Populates database tables with sample data
Displays auction details
Modifies user details
Modifies item description
Displays the auction done by a particular user
Displays auction by its description
The EventManager Web Application
The EventManager web application is an event management system. The EventManagerServlet
lists all events stored in the database, and provides an HTML form to enter new events.
The EventManager sample application described here uses Hibernate 3.5.1 version.
To use EventManager, the following steps are involved:
“Building EventManager on Windows” (page 103)
“Setting up the SQL/MX database on NonStop” (page 105)
“Deploying Event Manager on NonStop” (page 106)
“Running EventManager on NonStop” (page 106)
Building EventManager on Windows
Go to the
Configure the JDBC driver settings for the NonStop SQL/MX database.
Installing the Hibernate Framework 103