Installing the spring framework, Prerequisites, Nonstop system – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 18: Windows system

NonStop TCP/IPv6 limits one process per processor to listen on any given port, while
IP-CIP does not have any such restriction. However, in the RMI Service Exporter configuration
the following property must be defined:
Spring applications accessing an SQL/MX database.
Spring web applications can be configured to access an SQL/MX database through the JDBC
drivers (JDBC Type 2 or JDBC Type 4 drivers).
Spring web applications accessing TS/MP applications.
The Spring framework can be integrated with the JToolkit library to expose legacy TS/MP
applications as web applications without major changes to the application.
Spring applications accessing SOAP services.
Spring web applications can be configured to access SOAP services hosted on a NonStop
platform or any other platform.
Installing the Spring Framework
This section describes the procedure to install Spring framework libraries on a Nonstop system.
Before getting started, make sure that you have the following software installed on the NonStop
and Windows systems:
NonStop System
Table 1 Softwares to be installed on the NonStop system
For more information:
For information on installing NSJ on a NonStop system, see the NonStop Server for Java 6.0
Programmer's Reference.
NSJ version 6.0
Windows System
Table 2 Softwares to be installed on the Windows system
Download from
set the PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables.
JDK version 1.6
Installing Spring Framework Libraries on a NonStop System
Installing Spring framework libraries on a NonStop system requires the following actions:
Spring Framework