HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 15

NonStop provides a highly scalable servlet/JSP container to host the web applications developed
using the frameworks. Because the applications are deployed on NSJSP, the Java frameworks can
leverage the following advantages of NonStop:
Scalability in NSJSP refers to its ability to increase its capacity to process a large number of
requests simultaneously, by adding resources, such as additional processes and logical
processors, to a system. Because applications developed using the frameworks are deployed
as a servlet under NSJSP, the applications are able to leverage features of NSJSP. This means
that when the application is heavily loaded and all the static servers are busy, a dynamic
server is created to cater to the excess load. Thus, scalability also promotes need-based
allocation of the system resources.
High-availability guarantees continuous availability of services even during a failure of some
system resources, such as processors. The Java frameworks, deployed under NSJSP, use
NonStop TS/MP to ensure high availability and scalability, which enables you to run, as a
server class, several instances of the same process. If any of the application server processes
fail, TS/MP restarts the server process and maintains a minimum number of server application
processes running on the system.
Load Balancing
With NSJSP, load balancing is achieved through the use of multiple NonStop subsystems,
including NonStop TCP/IPv6, TS/MP, iTP Secure WebServer, and NSJSP. Using NonStop
TCP/IPv6 ensures that the incoming HTTP requests are distributed equally across the HTTPD
processes running on all the processors. Also, because HTTPD communicates with NSJSP using
server class send calls, TS/MP link management can help ensure that HTTPD requests for
NSJSP services are balanced across all the available server class processes of NSJSP.