Index 7 – HP LaserJet 5000 Printer series User Manual
Page 201

Select key 12
alternate PPD 99
default printer language
output location 26–28
printer driver 16
serial adapter, ordering 9
serial and accessory interface
Serial Baud Rate setting B-17
serial cables
ordering 9
pin outs A-21
troubleshooting 93
types of A-20
Serial Pacing setting B-16
Serial Robust XON setting
see also front pages
after warranty expires 106
Service Information Form 108
service information, see front
custom paper sizes 53
paper type and size 60–61
changing control panel 13
overriding 13
printing current 13
toner density B-6
show event log B-2
600 dpi B-5
size settings 58
small paper, printing 28
soft fonts
drivers 17–19
help for drivers 18
HP FontSmart, installing 19
HP JetSend, installing 20
HP JobMonitor, accessing
HP ToolBox, accessing 19
included with printer 14
license 109
Macintosh 21
Macintosh printer drivers 21
networks 22
obtaining most recent 16
troubleshooting print
Solaris 22
special paper
manually feeding 59
printing with 40–54
acoustic emissions A-18
cable A-19–A-21
card stock A-12
electrical A-17
envelopes A-10
expanded memory A-18
general A-18
heavy paper A-12
labels A-9
paper A-2–A-13
printer A-14–A-17
transparencies A-9
vellum A-10
printing A-18
transmitting data B-16, B-17
status, see printer messages
envelopes A-12
toner cartridges 64
straight-through paper path 28
Sun OS 22
supplies 7
availability E-5
ordering 8–10
warranty 105–106
support, worldwide, see front
supported sizes, paper
switching printer languages 18
syntax for printer commands
TCP/IP protocol, setting B-19
TCP/IP setting B-18
3-hole punched paper
300 dpi B-5
correcting problems with A-7
redistributing 65–66
spilling 74
troubleshooting 90
installing 64
life expectancy 64
limited warranty 107
toner consumption E-2
Toner Density setting B-6
toner density setting B-6
Toner Low message 65
Toner Low setting B-12
Toner Material Safety Data
ToolBox, see HP ToolBox
top cover area, clearing paper
top cover, locating 6
top output bin
transmitting data, speed B-17
clearing repeated jams 78
guidelines 46
printing 46
specifications A-9
Tray 1
A4 paper, loading 41
clearing paper jams 73
customizing operation 58–
deselecting 96
envelope specifications
envelopes, loading 43
loading 30
locating 6
mode settings 58–59
paper orientation 41
paper sizes A-3
paper specifications A-3
printing labels 45
Tray 1 Mode setting B-3
Tray 1 Mode=Cassette 58
Tray 1 Mode=First 58
Tray 1 Size setting B-3
Tray 1 Type setting B-3
Tray 2
locating 6
paper specifications A-4
Tray 2 Type setting B-3
Tray 3 Type setting B-3
Tray 4 Type setting B-3
tray extension 30
Tray x Empty message 83
Tray x Load message 83
flowchart 91–98
output quality problems 71
paper jams 72–78
printer errors 71–103
printer messages 71
repeated paper jams 78