Virtual disk group commands, Addvirtualdisktovdgroup command, Addvirtualdisktovdgwithasyncmirror command – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual
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Virtual disk group commands
AddVirtualDiskToVDGroup -Group VDGName, [-Drive H:,] ~
-VirtualDisk VirtualDiskName
Adds a virtual disk to a virtual disk group. This command cannot be used for a virtual disk group with
AsyncMirror defined on it (use the AddVirtualDiskToVDGWithAsyncMirror command instead).
The optional -Drive is valid only for Windows 2003/2008. If specified, the file system defined on
the virtual disk is expanded at the end of the operation.
All the virtual disks of the virtual disk group must have RW permissions to exactly the same hosts.
If any member of the group is clustered, then all members of the group must have the cluster bit
set. If any member is presented to two or more hosts, then all members of the group must set the
cluster bit.
This operation is allowed, even if PiTs are defined on the virtual disk group.
If the -Drive is specified, all virtual disks in the virtual disk group must be defined in Windows
as dynamic disks (to allow the file system to span multiple disks).
The optional -Drive is the drive of the mounted virtual disk. On Windows, the actual drive letter
ends with a colon.
AddVirtualDiskToVDGWithAsyncMirror -Group VDGName, ~
-MirrorGroup AsyncMirrorGroupName, ~
[-Drive H:,] -VirtalDisk SourceVirtualDiskName, ~
-Destination DestinationVirtualDiskName [TEMPLATE], ~
-StoragePool DestinationPoolName [, -Thin 0|1]
Adds a virtual disk to a virtual disk group with AsyncMirror defined on it. The AsyncMirror group
must contain only one single task.
The optional -Drive is valid only for Windows 2003/2008. If specified, the file system defined on
the virtual disk is expanded at the end of the operation.
Using the VSM command line interface