Cli command guidance – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual

Page 22

background image

# cleanup after last run.

# (May also be set in a post-backup script.)


UnmountVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "FV1_v"

DeletePiTOrSnapshot -name "FV1_v", -TIMEOUT 900

DeletePiTOrSnapshot -name "FV1_f", -TIMEOUT 10800


# start actual work

OnErrorGoto ExitScript# --- Quiesce application (if applicable)

# --- Possibly: Flush OS cache - on App Server!

OnErrorGoto CleanPiT

CreatePiT -VirtualDisk "E2K_Store1", ~

-PiT "FV1_f", -TIMEOUT 900

# --- Resume application (if applicable)

OnErrorGoto CleanAll

CreateSnapshot -PiT "FV1_f", -snapshot "FV1_v", ~

-StoragePool "LogPool", -host "Backup_Server" RW , ~

-cluster 0, -TIMEOUT 900

MountVirtualDisk -MountPoint q:\, -VirtualDisk "FV1_v", ~



Run -command





UnmountVirtualDisk -VirtualDisk "FV1_v"

DeletePiTOrSnapshot -name "FV1_v", -TIMEOUT 900

DeletePiTOrSnapshot -name "FV1_f", -TIMEOUT 10800




# --- Resume application (if applicable)

DeletePiTOrSnapshot -name "FV1_f", -TIMEOUT 10800



Some backup applications execute backup tasks asynchronously. Consequently, the backed up virtual
disk or snapshot must remain alive until after the backup task is actually completed. This results in a
need for only one pre-backup script in most cases, that is invoked by the backup application before
it starts.

Alternatively, a CLI script can also do the whole task by activating the backup application from the
script itself (using the Run CLI command). A post-backup script (for clean up) may be invoked by the
backup application after task completion. If a post-backup script is not used, a PiT is maintained on
the original virtual disk until the next backup is performed.

In both cases, the pre-backup script must clean up before starting its actual work.

CLI command guidance

This section provides guidance that applies to all CLI commands. These examples are used for both
input from the command line or from an input file.

Square brackets ([…]) mean optional. The pipe symbol (|) means alternative.

The expression R|RW|OFF means that one of the alternatives (OFF, R, or RW) must appear in the
command where the expression appears.

The expression 0|1|...|N means that one of the alternatives (0,1,..., or N) must appear in the
command where the expression appears.

Using the VSM command line interface