HP XP7 Storage User Manual
HP Storage

HP XP7 Provisioning for Mainframe Systems
User Guide
This document describes and provides instructions for using the provisioning software to configure and perform operations on
HP XP7 Storage. Provisioning software includes Thin Provisioning Z, Smart Tiers Z software, and Virtual LVI.
HP Part Number: H6F56-96008
Published: May 2014
Edition: First
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- XP7 Provisioning for Mainframe Systems User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Introduction to provisioning
- About provisioning
- Basic provisioning
- Fixed-sized provisioning
- Disadvantages
- When to use fixed-sized provisioning
- Custom-sized provisioning
- When to use custom-sized provisioning
- Basic provisioning workflow
- Thin Provisioning Overview
- Thin Provisioning Z
- Thin Provisioning Z concepts
- When to use Thin Provisioning Z
- Thin Provisioning Z advantages
- Thin Provisioning Z advantage example
- Thin Provisioning Z work flow
- Smart Tiers Z
- Tiers concept
- When to use Smart Tiers Z
- Resource groups strategies
- Complimentary strategies
- Key terms
- Before you begin
- About cache management devices
- 2 Configuring resource groups
- System configuration using resource groups
- Resource groups examples
- Meta_resource
- Resource lock
- User groups
- Resource group assignments
- Resource group license requirements
- Resource group rules, restrictions, and guidelines
- Creating a resource group
- Adding resources to a resource group
- Removing resources from a resource group
- Managing Resource Groups
- Using Resource Partition and other HP XP7 Storage products
- 3 Configuring custom-sized provisioning
- Virtual LVI functions
- Virtual LVI requirements
- Virtual LVI specifications
- SSID requirements
- Virtual LVI size calculations
- Calculating the size of a 3390-A volume
- Calculating the size of a 3390-V volume
- Calculating the size of a 3390-X volume
- Calculating the size of a 3390-XA, 3390-XB, 3390-XC volume
- Management area capacity of a mainframe volume
- Boundary values for RAID levels
- Capacity of a slot
- Configuring volumes in a parity group
- Create LDEV function
- Blocking LDEVs
- Blocking LDEVs in a parity group
- Restoring blocked LDEVs
- Restoring blocked LDEVs in a parity group
- Editing an LDEV name
- Deleting an LDEV (converting to free space)
- Formatting LDEVs
- Making external mainframe system volumes usable
- Assigning an MP blade
- 4 Configuring thin provisioning
- Thin Provisioning Z overview
- Smart Tiers Z overview
- Thin provisioning requirements
- Using Thin Provisioning Z or Smart Tiers Z with other HP XP7 Storage products
- Thin Provisioning Z workflow
- Smart Tiers Z
- About tiered storage
- Tier monitoring and data relocation
- Smart Pool
- Tier monitoring and relocation cycles
- Tier relocation flow
- Tier relocation rules, restrictions, and guidelines
- Buffer area of a tier
- Smart Tiers Z cache specifications and requirements
- Execution modes for tier relocation
- Relocation speed
- Monitoring modes
- Notes on performing monitoring
- Downloading the tier relocation log file
- Tiering policy
- Tiering policy expansion
- Tiering policy examples
- Setting tiering policy on a THP V-VOL
- Tiering policy levels
- Viewing the tiering policy in the performance graph
- Reserving tier capacity when setting a tiering policy
- Example of reserving tier capacity
- Notes on tiering policy settings
- New page assignment tier
- Relocation priority
- Assignment tier when pool-VOLs are deleted
- Formatted pool capacity
- Rebalancing the usage level among parity groups
- Execution mode settings and tiering policy
- Changing the tiering policy level on a THP V-VOL
- Changing new page assignment tier of a V-VOL
- Opening the Edit Tiering Policies window
- Changing a tiering policy
- Changing relocation priority setting of a V-VOL
- Smart Tiers Z workflow
- Smart Tiers Z tasks and parameters
- Managing Smart Tiers Z
- Changing a pool for Smart Tiers Z to a pool for Thin Provisioning Z
- Working with pools
- Working with THP V-VOLs
- Monitoring capacity and performance
- Thresholds
- Working with SIMs
- Manually completing a SIM
- Managing pools and THP V-VOLs
- Viewing pool information
- Viewing formatted pool capacity
- Viewing the progress of rebalancing the usage level among parity groups
- Increasing pool capacity
- Changing a pool name
- Recovering a blocked pool
- Decrease pool capacity
- Deleting a tier in a pool
- Deleting a pool
- Changing external LDEV tier rank
- Increasing THP V-VOL capacity
- Changing the name of a THP V-VOL
- About releasing pages in a THP V-VOL
- Enabling/disabling tier relocation of a THP V-VOL
- Deleting a THP V-VOL
- Starting pool monitoring manually
- Stopping pool monitoring manually
- Starting tier relocation manually
- Stopping tier relocation manually
- 5 Configuring access attributes
- 6 Troubleshooting
- 7 Support and other resources
- A RAID Manager command reference
- B Resource Partition GUI reference
- C Volume Retention GUI reference
- D LDEV GUI reference
- Parity Groups window
- Parity Groups tab: Internal or external volume
- LDEVs tab: Internal or external volumes
- Logical Devices window
- Create LDEVs wizard
- Edit LDEVs wizard
- Change LDEV Settings window
- View SSIDs window
- Select Free Spaces window
- Select Pool window
- View LDEV IDs window
- View Physical Location window
- Edit SSIDs window
- Change SSIDs window
- Format LDEVs wizard
- Restore LDEVs window
- Block LDEVs window
- Delete LDEVs window
- LDEV Properties window
- Components window
- DKC: MP Blades tab
- Edit MP Blades wizard
- Assign MP Blade wizard
- View Management Resource Usage window
- E Thin Provisioning Z and Smart Tiers Z GUI reference
- Pools window
- Pools: Volume tabs
- Create Pools wizard
- Expand Pool wizard
- Edit Pools wizard
- Delete Pools wizard
- Expand V-VOLs wizard
- Restore Pools window
- Shrink Pool window
- Stop Shrinking Pools window
- Complete SIMs window
- Select Pool VOLs window
- Reclaim Zero Pages window
- Stop Reclaiming Zero Pages window
- Pool Property window
- View Tier Properties window
- Monitor Pools window
- Stop Monitoring Pools window
- Start Tier Relocation window
- Stop Tier Relocation window
- View Pool Management Status window
- Edit External LDEV Tier Rank wizard
- Edit Tiering Policies wizard
- Change Tiering Policy Window
- Change Pool Configuration Pattern Window
- Glossary
- Index