HP XP7 Storage User Manual

Page 263

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For a Smart Tiers pool, Smart is displayed.

For a Thin Provisioning Z pool, Mainframe THP is displayed.

For a Smart Tiers Z pool, Mainframe Smart is displayed.

For a Fast Snap pool, FS is displayed.

Displays RAID level. If multiple RAID levels exist in a pool, this field indicates
that RAID levels are mixed. If all pool-VOLs are external volumes, a hyphen (-)
is displayed.

RAID Level

Displays the data drive type and RPM of the pool. If multiple drive types or
RPMs exist in a pool, this field indicates that drive types or RPMs are mixed.

Drive Type/RPM

When the volume is the external volume, Drive Type displays External Storage
and the value of the external LDEV tier rank.

Displays whether the cache mode is enabled or disabled. For a configuration
other than external volume configuration, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Cache Mode

Displays the number of pool-VOLs set for the pool, and the maximum number
of pool-VOLs that can be set for the pool.

Number of Pool VOLs

Displays the number of V-VOLs associated with the pool, and the maximum
number of V-VOLs that can be associated with the pool.

Number of V-VOLs

For a Fast Snap, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Displays the number of primary volumes of the Fast Snap pairs. When the
applicable volume does not exist, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Number of Primary VOLs

Displays the used and total pool capacity. If the pool consists of multiple
pool-VOLs, the sum of its capacities is displayed in the Total field.

Pool Capacity (Used/Total)

Displays the used and total V-VOL capacity. For a Fast Snap pool, a hyphen
(-) is displayed along with the used and total V-VOL capacity.

V-VOL Capacity (Used/Total)

Displays the subscription (Rate of total V-VOL capacity associated with a pool
to the pool capacity/Subscription that is set).

Subscription (Current/Limit)

For a Fast Snap, a hyphen (-) is displayed for Current or Limit.

Displays the user-defined threshold (Warning/Depletion).

User-Defined Threshold

For a Fast Snap, a hyphen (-) is displayed for Depletion.

If Smart Tiers or Smart Tiers Z is enabled, Auto or Manual is displayed. If Smart
Tiers or Smart Tiers Z is disabled, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Tier Management

For a Fast Snap, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Displays the cycle of performance monitoring and tier relocation. If Smart Tiers
or Smart Tiers Z is disabled, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Cycle Time

Displays the time of starting and ending of performance monitoring. If Smart
Tiers or Smart Tiers Z is disabled, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Monitoring Period

Displays the monitoring mode that is set for the pool. If the continuous mode is
enabled, Continuous Mode is displayed. If the period mode is enabled, Period

Monitoring Mode

Mode is displayed. If Smart Tiers or Smart Tiers Z is disabled, a hyphen (-) is

Displays the status of pool monitoring.

Monitoring Status

If the monitoring is being performed, In Progress is displayed. A hyphen (-) is
displayed other than this case.

Pools: Volume tabs 263

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