View pair synchronous rate window – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 183
Whether data can be written (Enabled) or not written (Disabled) to the S-VOL. The pair must be
split for Enabled to display.
Secondary Volume
If the volume accessed is an S-VOL and can be written to, Enabled/Received or Enabled/Not
Received displays. Indicates whether a write operation is received from the host or not.
Speed that data is copied.
Copy Pace
Scheduling order for the initial copy operation.
Initial Copy Priority
Range is 1 to 256 for Cnt Ac-S; 0 to 256 for Cnt Ac-S Z; default is 32.
Date and time pair-creation was completed.
Paired Time
Date and time that the last update was run.
Last Update Time
Elapsed time for paircreate or pairresyc operation.
Pair Copy Time
Cnt Ac-S Z only.
CFW Data
Whether CFW data is copied to the S-VOL as specified during pair creation.
Cnt Ac-S Z only.
DFW to Secondary
Whether the pair is split when DFW data cannot be copied to the S-VOL.
Local Storage System
Virtual storage machine: Virtual storage machine’s model type and serial number.
Virtual LDEV ID: Volume’s virtual LDEV identifier.
Virtual Device Name: Volume’s vrtual device name, in the format:
virtual emulation type/number of virtual LUSE volumes/virtual CVS attribute
- Only attributes that are specified display.
- “CVS” displays at the end of the device name, if the virtual CVS attribute is specified.
- A blank indicates no values are specified.
Virtual SSID: Volume’s virtual SSID. A blank indicates that no virtual SSID is specified.
Remote Storage
Virtual storage machine: Virtual storage machine’s model type and serial number.
Virtual LDEV ID: Volume’s virtual LDEV identifier.
View Pair Synchronous Rate window
Use this window to view the percentage of synchronized data between P-VOL and S-VOL.
For complete information and instructions, see
“Monitoring Cnt Ac-S Z pair synchronous rate”
View Pair Synchronous Rate window 183