HP Insight Control Software for Linux User Manual
Page 41

Lights-Out (iLO)
Basic system management functions, diagnostics, and essential Lights-Out functionality are included
as core components of Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) supported systems. The standard features of
iLO are referred to as iLO Standard. Advanced remote administration functionality, referred to
as iLO Advanced, can be licensed with the optional Integrated Lights-Out Advanced Pack for HP
Integrity Servers.
license keys
The contractual permissions granted by HP to the customer in the form of a coded embodiment
of a license that represents a specific instance of a license. A single license can be represented
by a single key or by a collection of keys.
line voltage
The line voltage of the data center that is delivered to the observed device.
The power consumer connected to the outlet. The outlet can be a system, enclosure, or
undiscoverable system.
load segment
A monitorable power output on a PDU. This normally corresponds to one C19 outlet and may
be further subdivided through a power strip into C13 outlets depending on the need.
operating range
The center bar shows the theoretical range of minimum and maximum power consumption of the
systems being summarized.
A circuit with one input and one output that can be monitored. This is available in the power
topology when discovered through a HP PDU.
outlet bar
This represents the division of the load segment into multiple outlets.
PDU Management
A PDU Management Module (MM) enables you to monitor power environments through
comprehensive control of individual HP PDUs. The module can be configured to send alert traps
to HP Systems Insight Manager and other SNMP management programs or used as a standalone
monitoring system. This flexibility enables you to monitor up to two PDUs through the network
connector or serial connector located on the front of the management module. To facilitate
day-to-day maintenance tasks, the embedded management software provides detailed system
logs. The MM is connected to one or more PDUs (also known as PDU cores). Often, a single MM
is used to monitor both the SideA/SideB power in a rack even though the MM itself is not
peak observed
Peak of power consumption values concurrently observed for all attached devices. For
non-observable devices, the maximum power configuration value will be used. This is not the sum
of the peak power consumption over all devices; that is a higher value than the peak sum of
power consumed at any given time.
peak observed
The peak observed time of the power consumption.
Power Cap
Power Cap allows the user to set the wattage limit on the amount of power a system will consume.
The type of power cap is determined when selecting one of the following:
For a single system, the cap is a static single-system cap.
For multiple systems, the cap is a static group cap. With a static group cap, each system in
the group is assigned a static linear apportionment of the total group cap.
For an enclosure, the cap is a dynamic power cap. This type of cap dynamically sets and
adjusts caps on the individual systems in the enclosure to meet workload demand while
complying with the total enclosure cap.
Dynamic power caps are only set when an enclosure is selected. Selecting all the
blades in an enclosure results in a static group cap.
power delivery
A power delivery device is anything that aggregates one or more power consumers such as PDR,
PDU, power strip, and branch circuit.
Power Distribution
Rack (PDR)
A rack module that divides redundant input power to several nearby racks.
Power Distribution
Unit (PDU)
The PDU normally takes a large IEC 309 power plug and distributes power in the rack to
C-20/C-13 plugs that connect to the power input of servers or enclosures. Each PDU (or more
specifically, PDU core) is attached to a single and independent branch circuit. For monitored
PDUs, there may be more than one PDU core that is controlled through a PDU Management