HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
HP Computer hardware

Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in
User Guide Version 1.3
Part Number
This manual describes the installation, configuration, and usage of HP Web ViewPoint
Pathway Plug-in H01AAH (forward) on a HP NonStop™ system. (Note: User Guide
Version number has been synchronized with the Part Number suffix; therefore Version
1.1 was intentionally skipped.)
Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
This publication supports J06.03 and all subsequent J-series RVUs, and H06.10 and all
subsequent H-series RVUs, until otherwise indicated by a replacement publication.
Product Version
Web ViewPoint Pathway V1
Document History
T0665H01AAH October
Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in User Guide – 528942-003
Document Outline
- Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in
- User Guide Version 1.3
- Part Number
- 528942-003
- Abstract
- This manual describes the installation, configuration, and usage of HP Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in H01AAH (forward) on a HP NonStop™ system. (Note: User Guide Version number has been synchronized with the Part Number suffix; therefore Version 1.1 was intentionally skipped.)
- Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
- This publication supports J06.03 and all subsequent J-series RVUs, and H06.10 and allsubsequent H-series RVUs, until otherwise indicated by a replacement publication.
- Product Version
- Web ViewPoint Pathway V1
- Document History
- Part Number Product Revision Published
- 528942-003 T0665H01AAH October 2010
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction 3
- 2. Web ViewPoint Pathway Installation & Configuration 4
- 2.1. Considerations and Requirements 4
- 2.1.1. General 4
- 2.2. Installation 4
- 2.2.1. Using the PC-Based Wizard Installer 4
- 2.2.2. Using DSM/SCM or Manual Installation 11
- 2.3 Uninstall Pathway 13
- 2.3.1. Uninstall from Wizard Install 13
- 2.3.2. Uninstall from Manual Install or DSM/SCM 13
- 2.3.3. General Uninstall Instructions 14
- 3. Using Web ViewPoint Pathway 15
- 3.1. Activating Web ViewPoint Pathway 15
- 3.2. Administration and User Functions 15
- 3.2.1. Administration Functions 16
- 3.2.2. User Functions 19
- 4. Configuring Web ViewPoint Pathway 38
- 5. Configuring Pathway Menu Display 40
- 6. Appendix 40
- Introduction
- Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in is a thin web-based product for the monitoring and management of Pathway applications from Web Viewpoint. This is a plug-in product to Web ViewPoint, and therefore requires that Web ViewPoint be installed and operational prior to attempting an install and activation of the plug-in.
- Web ViewPoint Pathway’s key features are:
- Point and click smart management methods
- Object oriented operation management
- Automatic management of resources and alert conditions
- Automated & central operation
- Parallel startup & shutdown
- These features translate to the following key benefits:
- Significantly reduces time to select and execute commands
- Improves operator productivity through use of smart commands
- Reduces operator training requirements
- Allows for automated monitoring and management of applications
- Sends out automatic notifications upon reaching customizable alert conditions
- Significantly reduces scheduled down-times through parallel startup & shutdown of multiple Pathway applications
- Access to Pathways and objects are organized in a simple and dynamic tree structure. You would select a node to see a list of Pathways; select a Pathway to expose its objects, and select an Object to issue a command. Web ViewPoint Pathway knows the steps required to take an Entity from one state to another.
- Let’s assume you were to issue a RESTART command on multiple SERVER Classes. Web ViewPoint Pathway examines the current state of each SERVER Class on your selected list. It then issues the proper sequence of commands (e.g. FREEZE, STOP, STATUS, THAW, START, STATUS) to take each entity to the stopped state & back to a running state. This not only reduces the required time to complete the task, but eliminates the need to have knowledge of sequence and syntax of the required commands, and also ensures that the final state is reached for each entity.
- Web ViewPoint Pathway’s Auto-Manage feature enables you to define specific conditions you need to know about, as well as those that require an automated action. This feature is available for TERM and SERVER Objects. Multiple options are supported for each Object. Web ViewPoint Pathway will automatically monitor all defined conditions, tells you (optionally, via EMS) when they are met, and takes any of the requested actions you had specified. Note that you may use Web ViewPoint to monitor and query all such messages. You may also utilize Web ViewPoint direct subscription methods to be notified of these Events, whether you are using any of Web ViewPoint or Pocket ViewPoint features.
- 2. Web ViewPoint Pathway Installation & Configuration
- This release provides a PC wizard based tool to automate most of the install process. Configuration data is collected through user input and then the configuration files are built and pushed to the NonStop server. This new process greatly simplifies and streamlines the Pathway install process.
- 2.1. Considerations and Requirements
- 2.1.1. General
- Hardware
- HP NonStop Server
- Software
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 onwards
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 update 12 onwards
- Web View Point – H01ABB and later
- Minimum OS Release
- H06.10 onward
- J06.03 onward
- 2.2. Installation
- 2.2.1. Using the PC-Based Wizard Installer
- 1. Start the installation wizard. It asks if you have installed Web View Point. Click YES.
- 2. The next window gives you the choice of Single Resident or Multi Resident Installation.
- a. For Single Node select it and click on NEXT.
- i. The next window requires you to enter the information of the resident and the location. You need to enter the Node name, IP address/DNS name, WVP sub-volume, Pathway plug-in sub-volume, Backup sub-volume for pathway. Then follow the rest of the steps from Step 3.
- b. For Multi Node, select it and click on Next.
- i. In the window below, enter the different node names and IP address/DNS names. Then enter the WVP sub-volume, the Pathway sub-volume (where you want to install Pathway) and the backup sub-volume for pathway. After all the required details are entered, click on APPLY. Then follow the rest of the steps from Step 3.
- 3. Next, the wizard reconfirms with you on the current configurations. Click Yes to continue with your configurations.
- 4. In the below screen you need to enter the Group User ID and Password. Verify the subvolume names and make sure the Admin and user ports are not already occupied. The default auto manage and Refresh process names are, $ZPAM & $REF.
- 5. The wizard checks the node configurations such as FTP ability, disk space and security to determine if the installation can continue. After these checks have been completed, the wizard verifies the Web ViewPoint configuration files to begin installing the plug-in files to Web ViewPoint.
- 6. The wizard verifies the server series, Subvolume and then shows the following popup to verify the TCP/IP program name that should be used. The default is TCPIP. Enter the appropriate value and click on OK.
- 7. Once the process names are verified, the wizard will do a few more checks to ensure that the installation can proceed and then proceed to modify Web ViewPoint configuration files and upload the Pathway installation files.
- 8. Once all the files have been uploaded successfully the following popup verifies if you want to restart Web ViewPoint display the plug-in. Click Yes to reflect the new installation.
- 9. After Web ViewPoint has finished restarting, the wizard will ask if you want to upload your configurations. Uploading your configurations is a good idea, but not mandatory. Click Yes to upload your configurations.
- 10. Once all the files have been uploaded, the following e-mail popup verifies if you want to e-mail your installation configuration files. This does not need to be done, so please click Cancel.
- 11. After the installation is done you get the below window. Click on OK
- 12. Click on FINISH when the below window comes. The wizard installation for Pathway is now complete.
- Back to top
- 2.2.2. Using DSM/SCM or Manual Installation
- Web View Point Pathway can be installed using DSM/SCM tool or can be installed manually also.
- 1. For DSM/SCM, use the IPSETUP.exe program to upload the files from the CD / PC to the NonStop server. Follow the screens on the Wizard and provide the necessary information as prompted. Once the IPSETUP program completes ensure that the files listed below have been transferred in the correct format and the file codes are correct.
- 2. Following are the steps needed to install Web ViewPoint Pathway Manually:
- The Web ViewPoint Pathway installer consists of the following files:
- LICENSE.TXT Contains limited-use Software Licensing Agreement with the licensing terms governing this product.
- README.TXT File containing product and basic installation information.
- REMOVPLG Program to remove Web ViewPoint Pathway plug-in from Web ViewPoint.
- SETUPPLG Program to add Web ViewPoint Pathway plug-in into Web ViewPoint.
- WVPPADM Program for Web ViewPoint Pathway administration functions.
- WVPPCTRL Program to Auto-Manage TERMs and SERVERs.
- WVPPUSER Program to Auto-Refresh TERMs and SERVERs of Learned Pathways.
- WVPPUSER Program for Web ViewPoint Pathway user functions.
- INSTWVPP OBEY file to install Web ViewPoint Pathway.
- MAKEWPY FUP OBEY file to create Pathway files.
- WPWTMPAK Template file for Pathway.
- Web ViewPoint Pathway User Guide (this document).
- Steps:
- 1. FTP the following files to $system.zwpy.
- (Note: You may FTP the files under a different $volume.subvolume)
- The following files have to be transferred in 'BINARY' Mode
- The following files have to be transferred in 'ASCII' Mode
- 2. Obey the Install file ‘INSTWVPP’ (read the following instructions first)
- 2.1. Set your working volume to $system.zwpy (or to $volume.subvolume where you have transferred the files)
- 2.2. Issue ‘OBEY INSTWVPP’
- Note: Web ViewPoint Pathway Version 1 generates a limited set of EMS events under SubSystem ID ZWPY (SSID#261).
- Requiring your input, this performs the following:
- a. Sets the file codes
- b. Sets the security of all the files to 'NUNU'
- c. FUP Obeys MAKEWPY. This creates the necessary Web ViewPoint Pathway data files.
- d. Starts the SETUPPLG program. This program requests the following from the user and updates the Web ViewPoint configuration to add Web ViewPoint Pathway as a plug-in:
- d.1. Web ViewPoint Location: This is the location ($volume.subvolume) where Web ViewPoint is installed.
- d.2. Port numbers to use for Administration and User functions: These are two unused TCP port numbers needed for running the Administration and User functions.
- d.3. Name of the Auto-Manage Process: This is the process name of the Auto-Manage Program (WVPPCTRL). This process starts alongside Web ViewPoint Pathway and will be a part of STRTWVP. It runs in the background to provide Auto Manage functionality.
- d.4. Name of the Refresh Process: This is the process name of the Refresh Program (WVPPREF). This process starts alongside Web ViewPoint Pathway and will be a part of STRTWVP. It runs in the background to Relearn the Pathway environments once a day by default.
- Back to top
- 2.3 Uninstall Pathway
- 2.3.1. Uninstall from Wizard Install
- If you have installed the Pathway plug-in using the wizard install, uninstalling the product is simple. Please follow these instructions to uninstall:
- 1. Stop Web ViewPoint by running
- 2. Use the Pathway Backup subvolume, $system.zwvppbk that you defined during the Wizard install to copy the original Web ViewPoint configuration files (STRTWVP, STOPWVP, WVPCONF, WVPMENU) to your Web ViewPoint subvolume, $system.zwvp by running
- FUP DUP $system.zwvppbk.*, $system.zwvp.*, purge
- 3. Web ViewPoint can be started up after the plug-in is removed by running
- Back to top
- 2.3.2. Uninstall from Manual Install or DSM/SCM
- If you have installed the Pathway plug-in using the manual install or DSM/SCM, uninstalling the product is simple. Please follow these instructions to uninstall:
- 1. Stop Web ViewPoint by running
- 2. Remove all the Pathway plug-in configurations by running
- 3. Web ViewPoint can be started up after the plug-in is removed by running
- Back to top
- 2.3.3. General Uninstall Instructions
- To uninstall Pathway, please change the following files.
- Note: This method can be used, if you do not remember where you have copied the original Web ViewPoint backup configuration files, or if you have other Web ViewPoint plug-ins and you only want to get rid of the Pathway plug-in
- 1. WVPCONF - Remove Section
- .........
- .........
- 2. WVPMENU - Remove Section
- CAPTION Pathway
- FNID fnid_ZUPathway
- ..........
- ..........
- 3. STRTWVP - Remove Lines
- RUN $
- 4. STOPWVP - Remove Line
- STATUS *,PROG $,vol>.
.WVPPREF,STOP - Note: Please make sure Web ViewPoint is not running during installation/uninstallation of Web ViewPoint Pathway.
- Back to top
- 3. Using Web ViewPoint Pathway
- 3.1. Activating Web ViewPoint Pathway
- When Web ViewPoint Pathway is first run through the Browser, it tries to activate itself by contacting the activation website over the internet. If you are a new user you will be prompted to enter your registration details. If you have an active Internet connection the activation will happen automatically, if not then the system will provide you with details and handle the registration and activation via email.
- During activation, a licensekey is written to the license repository (i.e. LICFLV2) that is identified by the LICENSE-FILE Assign. Once complete, Web ViewPoint Pathway will fully function from Web Viewpoint. In the default configuration, the LICENSE-FILE Assign points to the $Vol.Subvol where Web Viewpoint is installed.
- Back to top
- 3.2. Administration and User Functions
- There are two sets of functions defined in the Web ViewPoint Pathway product:
- Administration
- User
- Administration functions are used to initialize & maintain the central host databases used by Web ViewPoint Pathway. The following information is maintained per Pathway:
- Lists number of TERM, TCP, and SERVER entities that are running
- Cold, Cool and Shutdown Obey file names
- User functions include all day to day monitoring and management tasks for all supported Pathways. These include:
- Monitoring and affecting the state and configuration of various Pathways and their entities
- Definition and monitoring of Auto-Manage environment
- Maintenance of Group definitions
- Start & Shutdown of Pathways
- Back to top
- 3.2.1. Administration Functions
- Administration functions are accessible at the Web View Point instance and under the Admin Section. A logon screen is displayed upon access to this port. Use your Guardian id/alias & password to logon to the NonStop Server you are connected to. Using a tree structure, Web ViewPoint Pathway displays the NonStop Server you are connected to.
- The right part of the Window is divided into an upper and a lower panel. For the selected node, the upper panel shows a list of Pathways that are currently running on the Server. The lower panel shows a list of Pathways for which Web ViewPoint Pathway has information for.
- To manage a Pathway, Web ViewPoint Pathway needs to know/learn and store names of all its entities for all Objects (TERM, TCP, & SERVER). This process needs to be done once, but may be repeated if and maintained when necessary to synchronize the database with the current state of operation (e.g. remove information for a Pathway that no longer exists).
- To learn a Pathway…
- A list of all Pathways currently running on the selected NonStop Server is displayed in a list-box labeled “Available Pathways” on the upper panel. Select all the Pathways you want to manage. Web ViewPoint Pathway displays entry fields where you can enter the name of Obey files to Cold Start, Cool Start, or Shutdown each Pathway. There is one row of fields per selected Pathway (any previously – from a prior learn - entered information will be echoed). This information is optional, but is needed if you want to use Web ViewPoint Pathway to start or shutdown a Pathway. Note: All file name entries should be fully qualified with volume and sub-volume names.
- Click on the Learn button (displayed to the lower right of the rows of entry fields) to initiate the learn process. A progress bar shows the state of the learn process. Click on the Continue… button when this task is completed. Names of the newly learned Pathways appear in a list-box labeled “Learned Pathways” on the lower panel.
- To maintain Pathway previously learned information…
- From time to time you may want to update the information about the previously learned Pathways. Instances when such may be the case are:
- A given Pathway environment is no longer used.
- Obey files to start/shutdown have changed or need to be entered.
- Entities have been added or deleted from a Pathway outside of Web ViewPoint Pathway (e.g. Pathcom), and information needs to be synchronized. Note that Web ViewPoint Pathway automatically updates its database anytime you delete an entity or add a new one using its own commands.
- Select Pathways from the list of “Learned Pathways” to perform one of the three functions (a button is provided for each):
- Edit File Info… - Enter or change Obey files names to start/shutdown the selected Pathway(s). Information previously defined for each Pathway is displayed below the list-box (one row per Pathway). Make any necessary changes and click on the Edit File Info… button.
- Refresh – This retrieves names of all Entities for the selected Pathways and updates the Web ViewPoint Pathway database. Click on the Refresh button to initiate this process.
- Remove – Click on this button to remove all information for selected Pathways from the Web ViewPoint Pathway database.
- All updated information is located centrally on the NonStop Server and becomes immediately available to all Web ViewPoint Pathway users.
- Back to top
- 3.2.2. User Functions
- User functions are accessible via Web ViewPoint port. This will be the port number which you use to access Web ViewPoint’s Performance, Events, Operations and Admin features. The default Web ViewPoint port is 7500. A logon screen is displayed upon access to this port. Use your Guardian User ID/Alias & password to logon to the NonStop Server you are connected to. Web ViewPoint Pathway user functions are accessible from the “Pathway” tag name in the “Operations” menu. The location of where this “Pathway” tag name will be displayed is customizable. To configure this differently, please read
- Section 5. Configuring Pathway Menu Location.
- Web ViewPoint Pathway uses a hierarchical tree structure to allow you to navigate through its features and commands. This tree starts from the name of a NonStop Server (node) to its Pathways, and to TERM, TCP and SERVER of a selected Pathway.
- Please note that the list of Pathways displayed are those previously learned via the Administration functions (described earlier in this document) of Web ViewPoint Pathway. This also is the case any time references are made to “all Pathways” or “Pathways” in this section.
- The following sections describe the features and commands available at each level.
- Back to top
- Available Commands
- Node level commands – These are commands available when you click on the name of a NonStop Server on the hierarchical navigation tree.
- Pathway level commands – These are commands available when you click on the name of a Pathway of a selected NonStop Server on the hierarchical navigation tree.
- Selecting Entities – This topic reviews the available entity selection options. These options and their selected methods are common to or similar for all Object commands.
- Quick Commands – Describes methods where you can quickly issue multiple commands to the same or subsets of previously selected entities.
- Objects & Commands – Lists and briefly reviews a list of commands for all Objects. Where applicable it describes the built-in intelligence of command management.
- Following commands are available by clicking on the node name of a NonStop Server on the hierarchical navigation tree:
- Quick Status – Displays current status of all Pathways. This is equivalent to a “STATUS PATHWAY” command via Pathcom. Error messages are returned for Pathways that are not currently running or whose MAXSPI (a parameter defined at cold start of a Pathway – default is one) value is reached.
- Start – A check-box list of Pathways is displayed. Check the check-box for one or more Pathways, and click on either of the two buttons Start Cold or Start Cool buttons to Cold Start or Cool start the selected Pathways. Web ViewPoint Pathway issues an OBEY request on the host for the proper startup file previously defined for each Pathway using the Administration Function (described earlier in this document). The result of this process (obey file listing) is displayed in a new Window. Note that you have the option to choose a parallel or sequential startup, if more than one Pathway is selected. In a sequential format, one Pathway is started fully before an attempt is made to start the next one. A timestamp shows the beginning of each start operation, and another shows the time when it completes. Web ViewPoint Pathway also calculates and displays the time each startup operation takes. In a parallel startup operation, multiple new Windows are opened, one for each Pathway. Each Window shows the beginning timestamp, the result/listing of the obey file, the end timestamp, and duration time of startup for that Pathway.
- Shutdown – A check-box list of Pathways is displayed. Check the check-box for one or more Pathways, and click on the Shutdown button to confirm and shutdown the selected Pathways. Web ViewPoint Pathway issues a request on the host to OBEY the shutdown file previously defined for each Pathway using the Administration Function (described earlier in this document). The result of this process (obey file listing) is displayed in a new Window. Note that you have the option to choose a parallel or sequential shutdown, if more than one Pathway is selected. In a sequential format, one Pathway is shutdown fully before an attempt is made to shutdown the next one. A timestamp shows the beginning of each shutdown operation, and another shows the time when it completes. Web ViewPoint Pathway also calculates and displays the time each shutdown operation takes. In a parallel shutdown operation, multiple new Windows are opened, one for each Pathway. Each Window shows the beginning timestamp, the result/listing of the obey file, the end timestamp, and duration for that Pathway.
- Back to top
- Following commands are available by clicking on the Pathway name of a selected NonStop Server on the hierarchical navigation tree:
- Properties – Displays current status & statistics of the selected Pathway. This is a complete set of current data that would otherwise need to be retrieved from a combination of “INFO PATHWAY”, “STATUS PATHWAY”, and “STATUS PATHMON” commands via Pathcom. Error messages are returned if the selected Pathway is not currently running or whose MAXSPI (a parameter defined at cold start of a Pathway – default is one) value is reached.
- Start – Opens a dialog box, giving you the option to perform a Cold or Cool start. Select the appropriate option and click on the Start button. Web ViewPoint Pathway issues an OBEY request on the host for the proper startup file previously defined for this Pathway using the Administration Function (described earlier in this document). The result of this process (obey file listing) is displayed in a new Window. This shows the beginning timestamp, the result/listing of the obey file, the end timestamp, and duration of the startup for that Pathway.
- Shutdown – A dialog box requests your confirmation to shutdown the Pathway. Web ViewPoint Pathway issues a request on the host to OBEY the shutdown file previously defined for this Pathway using the Administration Function (described earlier in this document). The result of this process (obey file listing) is displayed in a new Window. A timestamp shows the beginning of shutdown operation, and another shows the time when it completes. Web ViewPoint Pathway also calculates and displays the time the shutdown operation takes.
- Back to top
- Web ViewPoint Pathway prompts you (on the right panel) to identify entities to apply a command to, as soon as you select a command for any of the three Objects (TERM, TCP, SERVER). Aside from certain exceptions, available options are the same, and are as follows:
- All (object name) – Selected command applies to all entities. In this case a command with a “*” qualifier is sent to the Pathmon process, asking for execution of this command to all current entities for the given Object. Note that this includes even entities which may not have been previously learned.
- All (object name) which are: - This enables you to apply the selected command to entities based on their current state (e.g. Abort All TERMS which are Suspended). Note that the list of displayed state options to choose from varies, and is dependent on the selected Object and command. Upon issuance of a command, Web ViewPoint Pathway examines the current state of each entity for the selected Pathway and Object. The selected command is issued, if the current state of an entity matches your selected option.
- Group – Web ViewPoint Pathway displays a list (via a drop-down list-box) of all previously defined Groups (see Managing Groups later in this document). You may select a Group and have Web ViewPoint Pathway execute the command against all entities which are part of this Group.
- Entity – You are given the option to manually type in the name of a single Entity to apply the command to. No wildcards are supported. You may even enter the name of an Entity which has not been learned before.
- Select Entities – Web ViewPoint Pathway displays an alphabetically ordered list of all learned entities for you to choose from. Select any one or more entities to apply the command to.
- Click on the Submit button to issue the selected command, after one of the above options is chosen to identify the target entities. Results of the executed command are displayed in the right panel.
- Back to top
- Web ViewPoint Pathway displays the results of an executed command on an Object’s entities, on the browser Windows right panel.
- You may click on the redo icon on the toolbar to execute the same command again for the same entities.
- To issue a new command on the same entities, click on the command icon on the toolbar. This shows a list of all available commands for the selected object. Simply select a command from the list.
- There is also a check-box displayed to the left of each entity name in the displayed results. You may select any one or more entities by checking their checkbox. If you now click on either the redo or command icon , the new command only applies to the selected entities. Note that for some results (e.g. list of ASSIGNs for SERVER Classes) entity name may be repeated for multiple rows. You only need to select one row. Web ViewPoint Pathway treats multiple selections of the same entity as one.
- Back to top
- Clicking on a Pathway name exposes a list of its Objects (TERM, TCP, SERVER). An Object is listed if it has a max value (e.g. MAXTCPS) greater than zero.
- Click on an Object’s icon to see a list of available commands. Select a command, and Web ViewPoint Pathway displays a prompt set on the right panel where you can specify entities to apply the command to (see Selecting Entities earlier in this document). Following are the available commands for each Object:
- Note:
- - Pathcom equivalent commands are listed
- - Where applicable, the option to carry out a command based on the current state of entities is listed (state option: list).
- o Abort
- State options: SUSPENDED, RUNNING.
- o Info
- State options: [Not] RUNNING, STOPPED, SUSPENDED.
- o Resume
- State option: SUSPENDED.
- o Restart
- State option: SUSPENDED.
- o Start
- State option: STOPPED.
- o Stats
- State option: RUNNING.
- o Status
- State options: [Not] RUNNING, STOPPED, SUSPENDED.
- o Stop
- State option: RUNNING.
- o Suspend
- State option: RUNNING.
- o Add
- o Alter
- o Delete
- o Info
- State options: [Not] PENDING, RUNNING, STOPPED.
- o Refresh
- State options: RUNNING.
- o Start
- State options: STOPPED.
- o Stats Terms
- o Stats
- State options: RUNNING.
- o Stats Server
- o Status
- State options: [Not] PENDING, RUNNING, STOPPED.
- o Stop
- State options: PENDING, RUNNING, not STOPPED.
- o Switch
- State options: RUNNING.
- o Add
- o Alter
- o Delete
- Delete TCP
- o Freeze
- o Info
- Special considerations: There are five info options:
- Base values – returns main attributes (e.g. NUMSTATIC)
- Defines – returns SERVER DEFINE(s) ), if any
- Assigns – returns SERVER ASSIGN(s) ), if any
- Params – returns SERVER PARAM(s) ), if any
- CPU Load – returns SERVER CPU Distribution(s), if any
- o Restart
- o Start
- o Stats Linkmon
- o Stats TCP
- o Status
- o Status Process
- o Stop
- o Stop Process
- STATUS DETAIL SERVER, Guardian STOP of each Process
- o Thaw
- o Add
- o Alter
- Special considerations: There are five tabs:
- Base – alter one or more attributes
- CPU/Process – alter CPU and Process setting
- Assigns – Alter ASSIGN(s)
- Defines – Alter DEFINE(s)
- Params – Alter PARAM(s)
- For Assigns, Defines, and Params, information is displayed in a grid format. You can edit items on the grid. Use the area above the grid to enter new values and click on the Add button (above and to the right of the grid) to add the new entries to the grid. To remove items (use Set Like list box above the grid to retrieve and display current setting for a selected SERVER) off the grid, mark the check box to the right of any row, and then click on the X icon above the grid.
- Once all changes are in place (you may alter many things at once, and edit multiple things on multiple tabs), either click on Alter or Quick Alter command.
- Alter assumes that the selected SERVERs are in a STOPPED status and just issues the needed ALTER commands. Click on Quick Alter to have Web ViewPoint Pathway examine each SERVER and issue the necessary commands to bring it into the FROZEN STOPPED command before issuing the ALTER commands. In this scenario, the SERVERs will be taken back to their original state after alterations are completed.
- o Delete
- Delete SERVER
- Back to top
- Managing Groups
- You may define one or more Groups of Entities for any Pathway Object and assign them an identifiable name. Entities may be part of one or more Groups. When issuing a command for an Object, you are given the option to apply the command to a group of entities, simply by selecting the Group’s name you had previously defined (see selecting entities earlier in this document).
- Group definitions are held centrally on the host. As such, when you add a new Group or make changes to a current definition, it immediately becomes available to all other Web ViewPoint Pathway users.
- To manage group definitions for a Pathway, click on its desired Object folder (TERM, TCP, SERVER) on the navigation tree. Next, select Manage Groups, off the displayed command menu. This displays the Group maintenance screen on the Web ViewPoint Pathway’s right panel. The selected Object and Pathway are listed on the upper part of the panel.
- To Add a Group,
- Select the Add option, and enter a group name (free format – 1 to 35 characters) in the entry box to the right of the Add option. A list of all Entities for that Object and Pathway is displayed in a list box labeled “Available Entities”. Select any one or more entities and move them to the “Selected Entities” box. Click on the Submit button to add the new Group.
- To Edit a Group,
- Select the Edit option. This displays a list box which contains a list of all Group names currently defined for this Object and Pathway. Select a Group from this list. Its list of entities will be displayed in the “Selected Entities” box. Make any changes to this list, by moving items between Selected and Available list as necessary. Click on the Submit button to apply the changes to this Group.
- To Delete a Group,
- Select the Delete option. This displays a list of all Group names currently defined for this Pathway in the list box titled “Available Groups”. Select any one or more Groups that you want to delete, by moving them to the “Selected Groups” box. Click on the Submit button to confirm & delete the selected Group(s).
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- Auto Manage
- Web ViewPoint Pathway has the ability to monitor certain Pathway Object entity criteria (e.g. SUSPENDED TERM or SERVER LINKWEIGHT > n), generate necessary EMS event messages and/or take an automated action. This section describes how you can customize these criteria.
- The Auto Manage option is available only for the TERM and SERVER objects. To manage a list of Entities, select the “Auto Manage” function from the list of functions available for the TERM/SERVER object. This displays a form in which you can add a new Setup (i.e. rule and action), edit a predefined Setup, or remove a Setup. Note that all the Setups are maintained centrally on the host and a change made to any Setup will be automatically available for all users of Web ViewPoint Pathway.
- Below is a screenshot of one of the Auto Manage settings screens. This particular screen is almost the same for both Auto Manage TERM and Auto Manage SERVER. This screen allows the user to select which entities to monitor and define a setup to monitor and act upon.
- Another Auto Manage screen is the Define Rule setting screen where the user defines what triggers a particular setup. The Define Rule setting screen is quite similar yet different for TERM and SERVER since each has its own separate COUNTERs that it is recording data for with the plug-in. Below is a screenshot of the TERM Auto Manage Define Rule screen.
- Similar to the TERM Auto Manage Define Rule screen, below is a screenshot of the SERVER Auto Manage Define Rule screen.
- Auto Manage has one more screen, the Specify Action screen where the user can set a specific action the user can take when the particular condition is met. The SERVER and TERM Auto Manage Specify Action screens are quite similar but different in the actions that can be taken. Below is a screenshot of the SERVER Auto Manage Specify Action screen.
- To Add a New Setup:
- Enter the setup name and select the entities for which the setup applies to. The available options are: ‘ALL’ and ‘Select Particular Entities’. After selecting the entities, you need to specify the monitoring or scheduling rule. The available options are Trigger At and Trigger If. Trigger At allows you to specify a scheduling rule that will always cause the necessary management action to get executed at a particular Time and Day specified in the rule. Trigger If allows you to specify a monitoring rule to monitor conditions such as Suspended, Running Less than 20, if they occur within a defined time period. The necessary management action gets executed only if the condition is reached within the specified time period. After selecting the scheduling or monitoring rule, you can specify the management action (e.g. Restart, Freeze etc) that should be taken, and if an EMS message needs to be written. If the “Write to EMS” action is checked, then whenever a particular condition has been met, an EMS message is generated under the Web ViewPoint Pathway SubSystem ZWPY – WVPPWY (i.e. SSID #261).
- To Edit a Predefined Setup:
- After a Setup has been defined, the user will see all the defined Setups in the Select box named “Defined Setups”. Clicking on any setup will automatically fill up the form with the setup information, and the user can then make changes to the Setup definition/action. Clicking on the Submit button will Save the Setup configuration.
- To remove a Setup:
- Select a predefined Setup from the list of “Defined Setups”, and click on the Remove button to remove the Setup.
- Note: In order for the Auto Manage to work, the Auto Manage program (WVPPCTRL) must be running on the host in the background. When Web ViewPoint Pathway is installed, the Auto Manage program starts along with Web ViewPoint during its startup and continuously monitors Pathways as necessary.
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- 4. Configuring Web ViewPoint Pathway
- Web ViewPoint Pathway provides a set of configuration options which are primarily used to provide flexibility in the location of database files. The following table provides the available ASSIGNs and PARAMs used by objects WVPPADM, WVPPUSER and WVPPCTRL:
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- 5. Configuring Pathway Menu Display
- Web ViewPoint Pathway menu items can be customized by the user to change the location of where the Pathway User and Admin menu items are displayed. Both the location and the ‘Pathway’ Menu item name can be customized. By default, the Pathway User item is located under the Operations Menu and the Pathway Admin item is located under the Admin Menu within Web ViewPoint. The following Pathway menu configurations are configurable in the WVPMENU file from the Web ViewPoint subvolume:
- Caption Name
- This defines how the menu item will appear on the Web ViewPoint logon screen and within the Web ViewPoint.
- ParentFnID fnid_menu
- This defines where the menu item will be located, under which menu, (i.e. Performance, Events, Operations, Admin). The fnid_menu is a predefined menu option.
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- 6. Appendix
- A. Support
- Support for Web ViewPoint is available through HP's 24-hour Global Mission Critical Support Centers (GMCSC) throughout the world. In the U.S. call 1-800-255-5010. International numbers see: http://h71014.www7.hp.com/gcscphone.html
- B. Event Messages
- Web ViewPoint Pathway Plug-in uses SubSystem ZWPY - WVPPWY (SSID# 261) for EMS events. For troubleshooting and installation issues, please view EMS events that get generated under this SSID.
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- Word Bookmarks
- TableOfContents
- Introduction
- QuickInstall
- UsingDSMSCMorManualInstall
- UsingWebViewPointPathway
- ActivatingWebViewPointPathway
- AdministrationAndUserFunctions
- AdministrationFunctions
- UserFunctions
- Commands
- NodeLevelCommands
- PathwayLevelCommands
- SelectingEntities
- QuickCommands
- ObjectsAndCommands
- ManageGroups
- AutoManage
- ConfiguringWebViewPointPathway
- Appendix
- ConfiguringPathwayMenuLocation
- AppendixSupport
- AppendixHardwareAndSoftwareRequirements
- AppendixHardwareAndSoftwareRequiremetns
- AppendixEvents