Recv – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 75
Once you have logged in, you can determine the active file system using the pwd command.
If the result of this command is either in the form /G/volume/subvolume or an OSS path
name, the OSS file system is active. If the result is in the form $volume.subvolume, the
Guardian file system is active.
The quote Guardian/OSS command is disabled for the anonymous user.
Use the recv command to copy a remote file to the local system. (The recv command performs
the same operation as the get command.)
You must have a connection established with an FTP server (called an FTP session) before you can
issue the recv command. The file transfer is based on the current status of all FTP options, toggles,
and macros. Use the FTP status command to display these values. If the file you wish to copy is a
structured file containing embedded
command with the r option. See the stru command for more details.
The syntax for transferring ASCII or binary files is:
recv remote-file [ local-file[ , attribute-list ]]
where attribute-list is:
[ [filecode],[primary],[secondary],[maxextents] ]
The syntax for transferring structured files is:
recv remote-file [ local-file[ , attribute-list ]]
where attribute-list is:
[record-len],[pri-key-len],[key-offset],[index-blk-len ]]
specifies the name of the remote file to be copied. Specify remote-file as required by the
remote system.
specifies a name for the local file. If you omit local-file, FTP uses the name of the remote
for the new file name, after modifying the name according to the current settings of the
case, ntrans, and nmap commands. If you specify a hyphen (-) as the local file, the file will be
displayed on the screen only (not locally saved).
is a list of file attributes for a HP NonStop file. You can specify these attributes only if the local
file system is Guardian.
You must specify the attributes in the order indicated, using commas as place holders and
omitting spaces. Issue the FUP INFO remote-file, DETAIL command to obtain detailed
information about the file to be copied.
FTP Command Reference