Examples – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 151

See the See the TCP/IP Configuration and Management Manual or the TCP/IP (Parallel Library)
Configuration and Management Manual for more information.
is the name of the system on which the SMTP gateway correspondent is configured. You can
send mail through an SMTP gateway on a system on the HP network. If the gateway
correspondent is on your local system, you can omit this parameter.
is the address of the mail recipient. You can specify any address that conforms to RFC 822.
The syntax description in the preceding box and the examples below show two of the basic
ways to address messages, an internet address, or a usenet path. For additional forms of
, see RFC 822.
is the internet address of the mail recipient.
is the usenet path to the mail recipient.
is the recipient's name as defined in the user's mail system.
A user name on a NonStop mail system typically has the form LAST_FIRST@NODE. For example,
to address a message to James Tollison at a system named SYSABC of a company named
Safe Bank, you use either of the following names:
is the host name of the recipient's system; in a usenet path, it is the name of a host along the
path to the recipient’s system.
is the domain name of the recipient’s system; for example, medlab.COM.
NonStop systems cannot process UUCP mail, but they can forward this mail to a
UUCP gateway operating on some other system on the network.
In all of the following examples, SMTPGATE is the name configured as the SMTP gateway
correspondent on a system named tsys1.
In the following example, a message is addressed to a user named jenny on a host named medsys
in domain Medlabs.COM:
To: SMTPGATE([email protected])
In the next example, a user logged on to a NonStop system other than tsys1 sends a message to
user jenny through the SMTP gateway on the tsys1 system:
To: SMTPGATE @tsys1([email protected])
To address a message to a local recipient and to two recipients through the gateway, you enter
a command such as the following one:
To: selby_amanda, SMTPGATE([email protected]),
SMTPGATE([email protected])
In the following example, a message is addressed to user jerry on the medsys host by specifying
a usenet path to the host:
To: SMTPGATE(abcsys!defsys!xyzsys!medsys!jerry)
Addressing Mail