Rbsureset return codes, Using hpdiscovery, Hpdiscovery command-line syntax – HP Scripting Toolkit for Windows 9.50 User Manual

Page 20: Hpdiscovery command line arguments

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RBSURESET return codes



The BIOS settings have been successfully reset to the factory


The BIOS settings have not been reset.



HPDISCOVERY provides an inventory of the server being configured and must run on each deployed
server. HPDISCOVERY is executed by the server configuration script and captures the following

System ID (This field is not supported on 100 series servers)

System name

ROM information

Processor information

NIC information

PCI devices present in the system

HP Smart Array controller information

User process decisions can be made based on data that is in the file created by this utility.

The HPDISCOVERY program loads all plug-ins listed in the DAT file. If no plug-ins were passed on
the command line and the DAT file does not exist, then the program searches the current directory
for the plug-ins and loads them.


Information may not be as detailed on HP ProLiant 100 series servers.

HPDISCOVERY command-line syntax

hpdiscovery /f /p [drive:][path]filename [/?]

HPDISCOVERY command line arguments


Command-line argument

This argument specifies the location and name of the
HPDISCOVERY data file. If no file name is specified, the


utility generates a file in the current directory using the
default name hpdiscovery.xml.

This argument displays help information.


This argument lists only the plug-ins the user wants to load
and does not use the data file or search for plug-ins. If the


filename is not in the current directory, then the full path
must be specified.

This argument chooses the name and location of the output
file. If the user does not pass in this parameter, then the


default filename will be hpdiscovery.xml, and it will be
saved in the current directory.


Scripting Toolkit utilities