American Dryer Corp. ADG-464 User Manual

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SUMMARY: With UV (under voltage control of the main disconnect) energized, the ADG-464 main switch

may be turn on.

• STATE 2 - The tumbler (basket) temperature has risen “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit Controller)

preset trip value. With power is applied to SHLC:

• SHLC set point will open
• SHLC alarm will close
• #2CR (#2 control relay) will become energized
• S11 will be energized (sprinkler valve open)
• L4 (light #4) will be energized (sprinkler valve open)
• SP2 will activate alarm horn.
• #2CR “B” will open.
• SHLC alarm relay will toggle, causing the alarm contact to close and activate 2CR’s (control relay’s) coil.

This action will;

• Open 2CR “B” causing UV, the “under voltage” trip feature of the ADG-464’s main disconnect to shut

down the “MAIN POWER” to the dryer.

• Latch 2CR “A” “ON” to eliminate any automatic reset of the sprinkler solenoid.
• Energize the “SPRINKLER ON” air solenoid.
• Illuminate the “SPRINKLER RESET BUTTON.”
• Sound sprinkler alarm horn.

NOTE: The sprinkler circuit will not reset until the ADG-464’s temperature is below the sprinkler hi-

limit controller setting.

• STATE 3 - The tumbler (basket) temperature is still “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit Controller)

preset value and PB #10 (push button #10) “Sprinkler Reset” has been pushed and held “IN.”
With power still applied to the SHLC:

• #3CR will energize
• S12 will energize
• #3CR “A” will open
• #2CR will de-energize
• L4 will go off
• SP2 will go off

SUMMARY: #3CR’s (#3 control relay’s) coil will energize causing:

• 3CR “A” will open and remove power from 2CR, S11, L4 and SP2.
• S12 “sprinkler off” air solenoid will activate turning off the actuated sprinkler valve.

IMPORTANT: If the tumbler (basket) temperature is still “ABOVE” SHLC (Sprinkler High Limit

Controller) preset value, and the “SPRINKLER RESET” button is released the water
valve will open again. (Refer to STATE 2 above.) If the tumbler (basket)
temperature is “BELOW” the SHLC preset value when the “SPRINKLER RESET”
button is released, the water valve will remain closed. (Refer to STATE 1 on
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