BendixKing KLN 90B User Manual
Page 30

The NAV 2 page (present position) is now automatically
displayed on the left side of the screen and the waypoint
page for the waypoint which was active when the KLN
90B was last turned off will be displayed on the right side
(figure 3-26). If the last active waypoint was an airport,
the APT 4 page (airport communications) will be dis-
played. Isn’t that convenient! Almost always, the way-
point which was active when you last removed power
from the KLN 90B is the airport where you landed.
Therefore, when you get ready to depart, the airport com-
munication frequencies for that airport will automatically
be displayed for you!
When the NAV 2 page first appears, it is possible that the
present position will be dashed. It can take the KLN 90B
several minutes to acquire the GPS satellites and to
make its initial calculation of your position. When the
KLN 90B reaches a NAV ready status and is able to navi-
gate, the NAV 2 page will display your present position in
two ways (figure 3-27). The bottom of the page will dis-
play the aircraft’s latitude and longitude. Above the lati-
tude/longitude position is the present position expressed
as the distance and radial from a nearby VOR. The VOR
displayed on the NAV 2 page is the nearest low or high
altitude class VOR. Terminal class VORs are not used
because many charts do not depict a compass rose
around them and verifying the displayed radial would be
difficult. Verify that the present position shown on the
NAV 2 page is correct.
NOTE: In order to reach a NAV ready status, the aircraft
must be away from obstructions blocking the GPS
antenna’s view of required satellites. If the KLN 90B fails
to reach a NAV ready status within five minutes, refer to
section 3.6, “Initialization and Time To First Fix”.
NOTE: When the KLN 90B is interfaced with certain
Shadin fuel flow computers, the KLN 90B will present the
following message after the start-up sequence:
Turn to section 5.10.1 for details on this operation.
OGD 122^fr|
N 41^07.60'|
Figure 3-27
Figure 3-26
|CLR 124.10
--- ---^fr |GRND 121.60
---- -nm |TWR 126.20
- --^--.--'|APR 121.10
----^--.--'|DEP 121.10
NAV 2 enr-leg APT 4