BendixKing KLN 90B User Manual

Page 194

background image

Rev 1


Database 2-1
Navigation 3-1

Cross track error 3-32, A-1
CTA 3-39, 3-42
CTR 1 page (Center 1) 5-25
CTR 2 page (Center 2) 5-25
Cursor 3-11
Customs 3-48



Cartridge 2-3, 2-7
Contents 2-1
Coverage areas 2-1
Currency requirement for approach use 6-1
Functions 2-1
Operation without cartridge 5-44
Page 3-7
Update service options 2-8
Updating 2-3, 5-46
User 2-2, 2-8

Data entry 3-14
Date 3-5, 3-53

Airport remarks 3-47
Approach 6-7
Direct to operation 3-29
Flight plans 4-5
SID 6-24
STAR 6-24
User defined waypoints 5-20
Waypoints from a flight plan 4-5

Departure time 4-13
Desired track 3-32, 3-34, 4-8, 4-12, A-1
Direct to operation 3-27, 3-34, 4-10

Canceling 3-29
Flight plan 4-10
Recenter D-Bar 3-28
VNAV 5-7

Display brightness 3-3
Display format 3-9
Distance 3-31, 3-36, 4-11, A-1
D/T 1 page (Distance/Time 1) 5-11
D/T 2 page (Distance/Time 2) 5-12
D/T 3 page (Distance/Time 3) 5-12
D/T 4 page (Distance/Time 4) 5-13
DME arcs 6-6, 6-16, 6-17, 6-18
Duplicate waypoints 3-15



SID 6-23
STAR 6-23

EFIS 3-4, 5-34, 6-9
Enter prompt 3-10
EPE (estimated position error) 5-30
Erase, see Delete
ESA, see minimum enroute safe altitude
ETA (estimated time of arrival) 4-12, A-1
ETE (estimated time enroute) 3-31, 3-36, 4-11, A-1


-f (final approach fix identifier suffix) 6-7
FAF (final approach fix) 6-1, 6-2, 6-6
Fence 6-7
Flight plan(s)

Activating 4-3
Active 4-3
Adding waypoints 4-4
Creating 4-1
Deleting flight plans 4-5
Deleting waypoints 4-5
Inverting 4-3
Operation from 4-7
Rules 4-1
VNAV operation 5-9

Flashing data on screen 3-11
Flight time 4-13
Fly-by/Fly-over waypoints 4-2
Frequencies, see Communication frequencies
FSS frequencies 3-52
Fuel availability 3-48
Fuel management pages 5-39
Fuel on board 5-39
Fuel planning 5-3, 5-5, 5-6


GPS APR switch/annunciator 3-59, 6-1, 6-9
GPS CRS switch/annunciator 3-7, 3-59, 5-32, 5-33
GPS status 5-29
Groundspeed 3-31, 3-36, A-1


-h (missed approach holding point identifier suffix) 6-7
Heading 3-34, A-1
Height above airport alert 3-58
Holding pattern 6-11, 6-15, 6-19
HSI 3-4, 3-59, 4-9, 6-9