Index – BendixKing KLN 90B User Manual

Page 193

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Rev 1




Airport names 3-26, 3-42
Canadian province D-1
Country D-1
Other KLN 90B D-6
State D-1

ACT page (active flight plan waypoints) 4-10
Actual track 3-32, 3-34, A-1
Air data pages 5-42

City 3-43
Communication frequencies 3-45
Elevation 3-43
Instrument approach capability 3-43
Name 3-42
Nearest 3-22, 3-37, 3-42
Radar capability 3-43
Remarks 3-47
Runway information 3-43
Services 3-48
User defined waypoints 5-16

Airport identifiers 2-3
Airspeed 5-11, 5-13, 5-43

Altitude 3-55
Height above airport 3-58
Special use airspace 3-39
Waypoint 3-29, 4-8

Almanac 3-17

Alerting 3-55
Density 5-10, 5-43
Indicated 3-55
Minimum enroute 3-32
Minimum safe 3-32
Page 3-55
Pressure 5-10, 5-43

Annunciators, remote 3-59, 6-1
Antennas 1-2
Approach active (ACTV) mode 3-29, 5-32, 5-38, 6-1, 6-
3, 6-8
Approach armed (ARM) mode 3-29, 5-32, 5-38, 6-1, 6-8
Approaches 2-2, 3-49, 5-45, 6-1

Changing 6-7
Deleting 6-7
Loading 6-4
Selecting 6-4

APT 1 page (Airport 1) 3-42


APT 2 page (Airport 2) 3-43
APT 3 page (Airport 3) 3-43
APT 4 page (Airport 4) 3-45
APT 5 page (Airport 5) 3-47
APT 6 page (Airport 6) 3-48
APT 7 page (Airport 7) 3-49, 6-21
APT 8 page (Airport 8) 3-49, 6-4, 6-16
ARC 6-18, A-1
ARTCC (“Center”)

Abbreviations D-3
Frequencies 3-52
Waypoints 5-25

AUTO map scale 3-36, 6-9
Autopilot 6-18


Baro set 3-5, 3-55, 6-8
Battery 2-8
Bearing to waypoint 3-31
Brightness, see Display brightness


CAL 1 page (Calculator 1) 5-10
CAL 2 page (Calculator 2) 5-11
CAL 3 page (Calculator 3) 5-12
CAL 4 page (Calculator 4) 5-8, 5-12
CAL 5 page (Calculator 5) 5-13
CAL 6 page (Calculator 6) 5-14
CAL 7 page (Calculator 7) 5-15
Canadian Province abbreviations D-1
Cancel, see Delete
Canceling Direct to operations 3-29
Cartridge, see Data base
CDI 3-4, 3-31, 3-59, 4-9, 6-9
CDI scale factor 3-31, 5-37, 5-38, 6-1, 6-2, 6-8
“Center” waypoints 5-25

Approaches 6-7
SIDs 6-24
STARs 6-24

Communication frequencies

Airport 3-55
Center (ARTCC) 3-52
FSS 3-52

Computer data base, updating 2-3
Controls 3-2, 3-11
Country abbreviations D-1
Course fix 6-6
Course reversal 6-10
Coverage area