BendixKing KLN 90B User Manual
Page 12

Two GPS antennas can be used with the KLN 90B. One
is the KA91 and the other is the KA 92. The KA 92 is
used with new production KLN 90Bs and the KA 91 is
used with units that have been upgraded from either a
KLN 90 or a KLN 90A. They are “patch” antennas
designed to always be mounted on the top of the aircraft.
The KLN 90B has analog outputs to drive the left-right
deviation bar of most mechanical CDIs and HSIs. In
addition, it has digital outputs to automatically drive the
course pointer and display flight plan waypoints on the
Bendix/King EHI 40 and EHI 50 electronic HSIs.
The Bendix/King KI 229 and KNI 582 RMIs may be inter-
faced to the KLN 90B to provide a display of magnetic
bearing to the waypoint.
The NAV mode of the Bendix/King KFC 150, KAP 150,
KAP 150H, KAP 100, KFC 200, KAP 200, KFC 250, KFC
275, KFC 300, KFC 325, KFC 400 and KFC 500 Flight
Control Systems may be coupled to the KLN 90B. Many
other autopilots may also be coupled to the KLN 90B.
Actual autopilot performance and capability when coupled
to the KLN 90B may vary significantly from one autopilot
model to another.
Certain Digiflo™ and Miniflo™ fuel management systems
manufactured by Shadin Co. Inc. as well as certain fuel
computers manufactured by ARNAV Systems, Inc. and
SHELTECH LTD interface with the KLN 90B. These
interfaces allow the pilot to view fuel related parameters
calculated by the KLN 90B such as how much fuel will be
remaining when the aircraft lands at the destination. With
certain Shadin fuel management systems it is possible to
update the fuel on board through the KLN 90B. In these
cases a separate panel mounted interface to the fuel
management computer is not required.
Compatible air data systems are available from
Bendix/King and Shadin Co. An air data system is capa-
ble of providing the KLN 90B with true air speed data
which is used for wind determination. The Shadin air
data system also will convert heading data from the
Bendix/King KCS 55A and some other compass systems
to a format that allows wind calculations to be fully auto-
Altitude may be provided to the KLN 90B from an encod-
ing altimeter, blind encoder, or one of the air data com-
puters mentioned above. Altitude is used as an aid in
position determination when not enough satellites are in
view. Altitude is also used in several altitude related fea-
tures such as three dimensional special use airspace
alerting, height above airport, and altitude alerting.
Some installations may require remote annunciators to be
mounted in the aircraft panel in order to indicate the sta-
tus of certain KLN 90B functions. Specifically, the KLN
90B has outputs to provide annunciation for waypoint
alert and message.
In installations where the KLN 90B will be used for
approaches, the installations are more complicated.
External switches and annunciators are required to
change approach modes as well as how the KLN 90B
defines the course to the active waypoint. Selected
course is generally required to be provided to the KLN
90B through an HSI, CDI or EFIS.
Rev 1
KA 91 GPS Antenna
KA 92 GPS Antenna