Brother HL-S7000DN User Manual
Page 26

Configuring your machine for a wireless network
Choose the Authentication method using a or b, and press OK.
Do one of the following:
If you chose LEAP, go to step q.
If you chose EAP-FAST, go to step l.
If you chose PEAP, go to step l.
If you chose EAP-TTLS, go to step l.
If you chose EAP-TLS, go to step m.
Choose the Inner Authentication method NONE, CHAP, MS-CHAP, MS-CHAPv2, GTC or PAP using a or b,
and press OK.
Go to step m.
Depending on your Authentication method, the Inner Authentication method selections differ.
Choose encryption type TKIP or AES using a or b, and press OK.
Do one of the following:
If your Authentication method is EAP-TLS, go to step n.
For other Authentication methods, go to step o.
The machine will display a list of available Client Certificates. Choose the certificate and go to step o.
Choose the verification method No Verification, CA or CA + Server ID using a or b, and press
Do one of the following:
If you chose CA + Server ID, go to step p.
For other selections, go to step q.
If you have not imported a CA certificate in your machine, the machine will display No Verification.
To import a CA certificate, see Using Certificates for device security uu page 65.
Enter the server ID. Press OK. (For information on how to enter text: uu Quick Setup Guide.) Go to step
Enter the user ID you wrote down in step a. Press OK. (For information on how to enter text:
Quick Setup Guide.)
Do one of the following:
If your Authentication method is EAP-TLS, go to step s.
For other Authentication methods, go to step r.
Enter the Password you wrote down in step a. Press OK. Go to step s.
To apply the settings, choose Yes using a or b. To cancel, choose No. Then press OK.
Do one of the following:
If you chose Yes, go to step t.
If you chose No, go back to step g.
The machine will attempt to connect to the wireless network you have chosen.