Setra System Model 370 User Manual
Page 30

The gauge emits a tone to verify the entry of a number or function. To disable
the tone for silent operation, use the following procedure:
1. Press CONV until the gauge is displaying pressure units (make sure it is
not displaying in "ft" or "meters").
2. Press the "-" key.
3. Enter "9999". This is the beeper access code.
4. Press SETUP. The beeper is disabled.
To reactivate the beeper, repeat Steps 2-4.
The "OK" symbol is an indication of the stability of the pressure being applied
to the sensor. "OK" is displayed whenever the pressure is changing by less
than the Stability Indicator Limit from the last display update to the next.
The Stability Indicator Limit may be used when the Model 370 is serving as a
Secondary Pressure Standard, to ensure that calibration pressures being
applied to another device are accurate and stable within a given amount. For
example, to indicate whether a pressure of 15 PSI is stable to within
0.1 PSI,
the Stability Indicator Limit would be set to 0.1 PSI.
To change the Stability Indicator Limit, use the following procedure:
1. Press CONV until the gauge is displaying pressure units (make sure it is
not displaying in "ft" or "meters").
2. Press CONV until the gauge is displaying the desired engineering units.
3. Press the "-" key.
4. Enter "1111". This is the Stability Indicator access code.
5. Press SETUP. The display will read "CAL Sb"
6. Enter the stability requirement in the specified engineering units and press
SETUP. The gauge will return to normal display, using the newly entered
stability requirement as the criterion for displaying the "OK" symbol.
The stability requirement will remain in place until it is modified again, even if
the power is removed and restored to the gauge.