PNI RM3000-F Evaluation Board User Manual
Page 19

PNI Sensor Corporation
Doc #1016391 r04
RM3000-f Evaluation Board User Manual
Page 18
Send 0xC9 on the MOSI pin. This is the MAM Command Byte to read from the
MSB of the X-axis measurement results register. The register data is clocked out
on the MISO pin, and once the X-axis MSB is clocked out the next register will
clock out, and so forth. Each sensor reading consists of 3 bytes of data, clocked
out MSB first. X-axis data is presented first, then y-axis data, then z-axis data.
The first nine (9) bytes represent a complete 3-axis measurement.
Return SSN to HIGH to free up the host to communicate with other devices and
to ensure the next Command Byte sent to the RM3000-f Evaluation Board is
interpreted properly.
Note: Measurement results are stored in registers within the 3D MagIC. If SCLK continues
to run after the appropriate number of data bytes for the defined number of axes to be
measured, then the information on the MISO line will have little meaning. SCLK should be
stopped once the measurements are clocked out.