Glossary – Milestone XProtect Transact User Manual
Page 59

Milestone XProtect
Administrator's Guide
ATM: Automated Teller Machine; an unattended machine that dispenses cash when a personal coded
card is used. ATMs are often placed outside banks.
AVI: A popular file format for video. Files in this format carry the .avi file extension.
CLK: Connection License Key; a registration key required for every transaction data source that can
be viewed simultaneously on the surveillance system. If you do not have system administration
responsibilities, you do not have to deal with CLKs. System administrators obtain CLKs as part of the
software registration process. System administrators enter the CLK during installation and can update
the CLK information in the XProtect Transact Administrator application.
Codec: A technology for compressing and decompressing audio and video data, for example in an
exported AVI file. MPEG and Indeo are examples of frequently used codecs.
Configuration: 1) The way a software or hardware system is set up. 2) In this software specifically:
Settings determining how received transaction data are transformed into presentable data, through the
use of so-called filters and masks. This is necessary because the initially received transaction data
typically consists of a single long string of information, in which it can be difficult to see when individual
transactions begin and end.
Control Character: Non-printing characters; typically used by receipt printers for indicating line breaks,
when to cut off a till receipt, etc.
DirectX: A Windows extension providing advanced multimedia capabilities.
DLK: Device License Key; a registration code required for every device (IP network camera or IP
video server) installed on the surveillance system. If you do not have system administration
responsibilities, you do not have to deal with DLKs. System administrators obtain DLKs as part of the
software registration process. System administrators use the Import DLKs... feature in the
Administrator application to import DLKs into the surveillance system.
Driver: A small program used for controlling / communicating with a device.
Fisheye: A technology that allows creation and viewing of 360-degree panoramic images.
FPS: Frames Per Second, a measure indicating the amount of information contained in motion video.
Each frame represents a still image, but when frames are displayed in succession the illusion of
motion is created. The higher the FPS, the smoother the motion will appear. Note, however, that a
high FPS may also lead to a large file size when video is saved.
Frame Rate: A measure indicating the amount of information contained in motion video. Typically
measured in FPS (Frames Per second).