Use substitutions, E 30) – Milestone XProtect Transact User Manual
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Milestone XProtect
Administrator's Guide
To omit characters in a source's configuration, do the following:
1. In the Create/Edit Configuration, window click and drag to select the characters in the Raw
data field that you want to filter out.
2. Click the Omit button to filter out (remove) the selected characters.
You can immediately view the effect of your filter in the Filtered data field.
Tip: You can omit regular characters as well as control characters. Control characters are non-printing
characters, typically used by printers for indicating line breaks, when to cut off a till receipt, etc.
Example of a control character as it appears when displayed in the Raw data field:
In the Raw data field, the selected characters are highlighted in light pink. The filtered out characters
will also be listed and highlighted in light pink in the [Filters overview field].
Example of a substitution, a line break and an omission listed in the [Filters overview field]. In this example, the control
character 0x8f has been filtered out completely.
Tip: If you are not happy with an applied filter, you can always remove or edit it: Select the unwanted
filter in the [Filters overview field], then click the Delete Filter or Edit Filter... button.
Use substitutions
You can substitute information (one or more characters) in the raw, unformatted transaction data and
replace it with new text or characters.
To substitute content in a source's configuration, do the following:
1. In the Create/Edit Configuration window click and drag to select the characters in the Raw
data field that you want to substitute.
2. Click the Substitute... button to substitute (replace) the selected characters. In the Edit Filter
window type the characters that you want replace the selected characters with in the
Substitution field.
You can immediately view the effect of the substitution in the Filtered data field.
In the Raw data field, the selected characters will be highlighted in a light green color. The characters
to be substituted will also be listed and highlighted in a light green color in the [Filters overview field].
Example of a substitution, a line break and an omission listed in the [Filters overview field]. In this example, the characters
forming See ya soon! have been substituted with Please Call Again.