The edit filter window – Milestone XProtect Transact User Manual

Page 34

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Milestone XProtect



Administrator's Guide




You can use wildcards in start and stop masks. A wildcard is a
special symbol that stands for one or more characters. Wildcards
allow you to define start and stop masks without being 100%
specific about the masks' character content.

Two different types of wildcard use are available:

Wildcards: The start and/or stop mask are case sensitive. The
following wildcards can be used: ? (any one or more characters or
digits), * (zero or more characters or digits).

Regular Expression: Use regular expressions. A highly flexible
method with which software developers and other people with
programming knowledge can express how software should look for
a text pattern, and what to do when the text pattern is found. Any
case sensitivity, wildcards, etc. will depend entirely upon the way in
which you use regular transactions in your environment.

Events: Use already configured event patterns as a mask. If you
select this option, you can select one or more events (see "Manage
on page 39) to use as start and stop masks. If the search
string of any of the selected events is found, the transaction is
started or stopped. This makes it possible to re-use event
configurations to start and stop transactions.


Lets you select required character set to convert the source's
transaction data which is sent in bites to understandable text in
your language.

See also

Edit filter window (see "The Edit Filter window" on page 34)

Export/import a configuration (on page 29)

The create/edit configuration window (on page 32)

Use start and stop masks (on page 31)

Add line breaks (on page 31)

Omit characters (see "Omit characters in a source's configuration" on page 29)

Use substitutions (on page 30)

Add line breaks (on page 31)

The Edit Filter window

In the Edit Filter window, you can create or edit filters (omissions, substitutions or line breaks). You
can create new filters by clicking the New Filter... button and typing the required characters rather
than by selecting them in the Raw data field. To edit an existing filter, select the required filter in the
[Filters overview field] and click the Edit Filter... button.