Milestone XProtect Transact User Manual
Page 21

Milestone XProtect
Administrator's Guide
Flow control
Select the flow control to be used on the serial connection. Flow
control adjusts the flow of data from one unit to another, making
sure that the receiving unit will be able to handle all the incoming
data. The use of flow control is relevant in asynchronous
communication, for example when the sending unit sends data
faster than the receiving unit is able to receive it.
None: Do not use flow control.
XonXoff: Use the XonXoff flow control mechanism, with
which the receiving unit sends an Xoff message to the
sending unit when the receiving unit's buffer is full. When
this is the case, the sending unit will stop sending data until
it gets an Xon message from the receiving unit, indicating
that the receiving unit is again ready to receive data. Xon
and Xoff messages are sent as part of the data itself.
CtsRts: Use the CtsRts flow control mechanism, with which
the sending unit sends an Rts (Ready to send) signal to the
receiving unit when the sending unit has data to send. In
turn the receiving unit will send a Cts (Clear to send) signal
to the sending unit when the receiving unit is ready to
receive data. Cts and Rts signals are sent on separate
wires in the cable, apart from the data itself.
DsrDtr: Use the DsrDtr flow control mechanism, with which
units send Dsr (Data set ready) and Dtr (Data terminal
ready) signals when exchanging data.
The selected flow control mechanism must match the flow control
mechanism used by device (cash register, ATM, etc.) connected to
the serial port source.
Enter the parity-checking protocol.
Data bits
If you have nonstandard devices, enter the number of data bits per
byte that the device sends.
Stop bits
If you have nonstandard devices, enter the number of stop bits per
byte that the device sends.
From the list of existing configurations, select the configuration to
use for the source.
Tip: A single configuration can be used for several transaction data
connections as long as the transaction data come from a source of
the same type as the source for which the configuration was
Add New...
Opens the Create Configuration window, in which you can define
the properties of a new configuration (see "Create a configuration"
on page 23).
Available only when an existing configuration is selected.
Opens the Edit Configuration window, in which you can edit the
properties of the selected configuration.