Introduction, How it works, Xp2i operational modes – Crystal DataLoggerXP User Manual
Page 4:, Xp2i.operational.modes

User’s Manual
e n g i n e e r i n g
c o r p o r a t i o n
Thank you for buying DataLoggerXP! With Datalogger XP you can record up to six thousand
measurements, on an intrinsically safe, fully temperature compensated pressure gauge. With the
XP2i’s long battery life you can take measurements for up to three months, without the need for
external power supplies or battery replacements.
With an XP2i and DataLoggerXP you can:
Record up to 6000 pressure measurements (data points)
Change data collection parameters, with or without a computer
Start and stop multiple collection runs from the keypad
Record pressure readings at intervals as quick as once per second or as slow as once
every 18 hours.
Record the averages, averages and peaks, or just the pressure indication.
Store an indicated pressure by pushing one button.
View the data on any Windows-equipped computer.
Save the data files directly into Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets (Excel 95 through Excel 2003), or
as comma separated text files.
There are two parts of this solution—the DataLoggerXP program and the XP2i Digital Test
Gauge. Both are required to form a data logging solution. The Windows application handles all
the transfer and saving of data from the gauge to your computer’s hard drive, while the XP2i per-
forms all the actual data collection.
A data logger XP2i operates differently than a standard XP2i. When operating as a data logger, the
software internal to the XP2i, called the firmware, is replaced. The firmware within the XP2i defines
the mode of the gauge.
When the gauge is operating in standard mode, the XP2i provides all of the functionality document-
ed in the XP2i’s Operation Manual. This is the mode in which all gauges are shipped from the factory.
The DataLoggerXP program switches a gauge into data logger mode. Mode changes take less
than a minute, and can be done an unlimited number of times. Datalogger mode adds the ca-
pability to record pressure readings. The accuracy of the gauge is unaffected by this change, but
some capabilities (such as peak display and multiple pressure scales) are removed to allow for
maximum memory availability. For information on the changes in gauge operation while operat-
ing in data logger mode, see “Differences Between the XP2i Datalogger and XP2i “ on page 12.