Excel templates, Workbooks, Templates – Crystal DataLoggerXP User Manual

Page 18: Excel password protection, Excel.templates,

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User’s Manual



e n g i n e e r i n g

c o r p o r a t i o n

the gauge’s clock with the computer’s clock which will allow the time stamps to be correctly read.
However, if multiple resets have occurred with the gauge, only time stamps after the last reset will
be fixed. When a reset occurs, it is stored as a run with a reset event and no data.


In order to provide for a flexible reporting solution, DataLoggerXP is capable of directly interfacing
with Microsoft® Excel to paste run data for reporting and graphing. DataLoggerXP supports Excel
95 through Excel 2003. This section assumes some familiarity with Excel.


For information on how to save data to the different file types see “Saving”, on pg .

DataLoggerXP works with two Excel file types: workbook (.xls) files and template (.xlt) files. The
key difference is when using a template file, the template is loaded and data is copied to a specific
location, whereas a workbook file is a new document with only the run data.


When using workbook files, Excel is started and a new workbook is created with the default work-
sheets. Data is then copied into the first worksheet at cell location A1. The file is then saved using
the filename provided by the user. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten with the new
workbook file. Any formatting or reporting is then done by the user after the document is created.


As opposed to workbooks, templates use an existing Excel template file to create the new work-
book. This allows any amount of formatting or graphing to be done beforehand and stored as a
template file. Then, when the Excel workbook is created, the template file is opened and data is
copied to the location specified in the Options Dialog. When selecting the template file directly
during the file save process, the new workbook is created with the Excel template using the name
of the template file followed by a number, typically 1. The user must also save the file manually,
making any changes to the file name as necessary. However, it is possible to save directly to the
user provided file name, see section 3.2.2 below for more information.

As an example on how to use templates, a sample template file, DataLoggerXP.xlt, is located in the
DataLoggerXP program directory, and can be used as-is or modified to meet the user’s require-


It is possible to password protect the Excel workbook by selecting the Password Protect Excel
Documents checkbox in the Options dialog. Only the data sheet and first sheet of the workbook
will be password protected. To protect other sheets, password protect them in the template itself.