Blue Angel Pumps BPC2 User Manual
Page 8
Operating .Instructions .and .Parts .Manual
limited warranty
For .one .year .from .the .date .of .purchase, .Blue .Angel .Pumps .will .repair .or .replace, .at .its .option, .for .the .original .
purchaser .any .part .or .parts .of .its .Sump .Pumps .or .Water .Pumps .(“Product”) .found .upon .examination .by .Blue .
Angel .to .be .defective .in .materials .or .workmanship . .Please .call .Blue .Angel .(888-636-6628) .for .instructions .or .see .
your .dealer . .Be .prepared .to .provide .the .model .number .when .exercising .this .warranty . .All .transportation .charges .
on .Products .or .parts .submitted .for .repair .or .replacement .must .be .paid .by .purchaser .
This .Limited .Warranty .does .not .cover .Products .which .have .been .damaged .as .a .result .of .accident, .abuse, .misuse, .
neglect, . improper . installation, . improper . maintenance, . or . failure . to . operate . in . accordance . with . Blue . Angel’s .
written .instructions .
There IS no oTher eXPreSS warranTy. IMPlIeD warranTIeS, InClUDInG ThoSe of
MerChanTaBIlITy anD fITneSS for a ParTICUlar PUrPoSe, are lIMITeD To one year froM The
DaTe of PUrChaSe. ThIS IS The eXClUSIve reMeDy anD any lIaBIlITy for any anD all InDIreCT
or ConSeQUenTIal DaMaGeS or eXPenSeS whaTSoever IS eXClUDeD.
Some .states .do .not .allow .limitations .on .how .long .an .implied .warranty .lasts, .or .do .not .allow .the .exclusions .or .
limitations .of .incidental .or .consequential .damages, .so .the .above .limitations .might .not .apply .to .you . .This .limited .
warranty .gives .you .specific .legal .rights, .and .you .may .also .have .other .legal .rights .which .vary .from .state .to .state .
In . no . event, . whether . as . a . result . of . breach . of . contract . warranty, . tort . (including . negligence) . or . otherwise, . shall .
Blue .Angel .or .its .suppliers .be .liable .for .any .special, .consequential, .incidental .or .penal .damages .including, .but .not .
limited .to .loss .of .profit .or .revenues, .loss .of .use .of .the .products .or .any .associated .equipment, .damage .to .associated .
equipment, .cost .of .capital, .cost .of .substitute .products, .facilities, .services .or .replacement .power, .downtime .costs, .or .
claims .of .buyer’s .customers .for .such .damages .
You .
MUST .retain .your .purchase .receipt .along .with .this .form . .In .the .event .you .need .to .exercise .a .warranty .claim, . .
you .
MUST . send . a . copy . of . the . purchase . receipt . along . with . the . material . or . correspondence . . Please . call . Blue .
Angel .(888-636-6628) .for .return .authorization .and .instructions .
Do noT MaIl ThIS forM To BlUe anGel. Use .this .form .only .to .maintain .your .records .
MODEL .NO ._________________ . . .SERIAL .NO .____________________________ . . . .INSTALLATION . .DATE_______________
aTTaCh yoUr reCeIPT here