Incremental control, Incremental control 12 – Badger Meter Research Control Valve User Manual

Page 12

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Incremental Control

9. Power

Before applying AC power to TB1 of the upper power supply board, set the slide switch to the correct voltage

10. Two isolated, dry contact closures are used to position the actuator These contacts are customer supplied and may be

within a remotely located controller or may be push-buttons or switches used for manual control

Do not exceed 50 feet of run length wiring.

11. Place DIP Switch 1 to the OFF (Up) position to place the actuator in manual mode

a Close the DEC contact The actuator will move toward the low command position, and the yellow LED will illuminate

Once the low command position has been reached, the actuator travel will stop

b To adjust the LO setpoint (ZERO), press and hold the ZERO push-button (S1) and turn the encoder to move the

actuator's output shaft into position Turn the encoder clockwise (CW) to extend the output shaft or counter-clockwise

(CCW) to retract the output shaft Release the push-button

c Open the DEC contact and close the INC contact The actuator will move toward the high command position, and the

green LED will illuminate Once the high command position has been reached, the actuator travel will stop

d To adjust the HI setpoint (SPAN), press and hold the SPAN push-button (S2) and turn the encoder to move the

actuator's output shaft into position Turn the encoder CW to extend the output shaft or CCW to retract the output

shaft Release the push-button

4 Deadband

The deadband adjustment has no influence in this mode of operation

5. Speed Adjust

Speed is preset at the factory To adjust the speed, press and hold the speed push-button (S3) and turn the encoder CW to

increase or CCW to decrease actuator speed

6. Auxiliary Limit Switches

LS3 and LS4 can be set to open or close anywhere within the actuator range Adjust LS3 and LS4 trim pots to desired trip

points The adjacent red LEDs indicate state

7. Verify all settings by running the actuator through its travel range several times

Electronic Valve Actuator, Model EVA 100/200

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Legacy Document Number: 941571