Do not, Maintenance packing adjustment parts/ overhaul – Warren Controls 1800 Series Heavy Globe Control Valves User Manual

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2600 Emrick Blvd • Bethlehem, PA 18020 • USA •800-922-0085 •

series 1800 Heavy Globe control valves

are for the most part maintenance free when

properly selected and installed. Rebuilding of

these valves should not be necessary under

normal operating conditions. For best opera-

tion follow installation guidelines (See Instal-

lation section); maintain the fluid pressure,

temperature, flow, flowing differential pres-

sure, and shut-off differential pressure within

the limits of the valve (See Series 1800 Prod-

uct Specification for details). In installations

where high vibration exists, pneumatic and/or

electrical connections should periodically be

checked for integrity. In water or water and

glycol applications, good water quality must

be maintained or the service life of the valve

may be reduced (See Water Quality Guide-

lines). The valve stem must be kept free of de-

bris, deposits, dirt, dust, and scratches or the

packing parts may be damaged resulting in a

packing leak. Control valve hunting will cause

excessive stroking of the valve stem and result

in premature failure of the packing seal. The

system must be stabilized to prevent hunting

to ensure reasonable packing life and optimal

control performance. Oversizing of a control

valve will result in an unstable condition, which

can cause noise, vibration, and premature trim

and packing seal failure. The use of Warren

Controls ValveWorks sizing program will facili-

tate the selection of the optimum valve.


packInG aDjustMent

parts/ overHaul

series 1800 Heavy Globe control valves

have adjustable packing. If a packing leak is

observed, tighten the hex nuts above the

packing flange ¼ turn and observe. If the leak

continues tighten the hex nuts another ¼ turn

and observe. Repeat as necessary. If the leak

continues and the hex nuts cannot be tight-

ened further with reasonable force replace the

packing and if necessary the stem and plug


Damaged or worn parts can decrease perfor-

mance and shorten valve life.

Damaged or worn packing parts including the

packing, bearings, spring, and other bonnet

parts can cause a packing leak resulting in

damage to the actuator, accessories, and sur-

rounding equipment. Damaged or worn pack-

ing parts can also cause increased hysteresis

resulting in poor control.

Damaged or worn trim parts including the

plug, stem, seat ring, piston, piston guide, pis-

ton seal, and o-ring can cause increased hys-

teresis, poor control, excessive internal leak-

age, and poor shut-off. Damaged or worn trim

parts can also cause damage to the packing

parts resulting in a packing leak.

Damaged or worn body gaskets or o-ring

seals can cause external leakage resulting in

damage to the actuator, accessories, and sur-

rounding equipment.

Should parts become worn or damaged, parts

kits are available. Repack Kits are available to

replace the packing. Repack/Inspection Kits

are available to allow the valve to be opened

for inspection of its internal parts. Rebuild/Re-

pack Kits are available to completely rebuild/

overhaul the valve. Parts kits come with com-

plete step-by-step instructions. Each kit has its

own part number. Please provide the valve’s

serial number to ensure getting the correct kit

part number and correct parts.

Do not

atteMpt to servIce wItHout a

repack/InspectIon kIt & suppleMental InstructIons.
