Warren Controls 377 Float Cage User Manual
Warren Controls Equipment

InstallatIon, operatIon
& MaIntenance InstructIons
Float Cage
/ 326L &
lever Valves
Overview ............................................. Cover
General Information ............................ Cover
Operation ................................................... 4
Installation ..............................................4-6
Maintenance .............................................. 7
Overhaul ..................................................... 7
Information Present.............................. 8-10
Specifications .......................................11-13
Parts / Overhaul ................................. 14-15
Packing Adjustment ................................. 15
Parts Kits ............................................ 16-18
Drawings .............................................19-27
This document covers the installation, operation and
maintenance of the 377 Float Cage and the 326L and
322L Lever Valves presented in the “Level Controls and
Accessories”, Product Specification.
The instructions given herein cover generally the operation
and maintenance of subject equipment. Should any
questions arise which may not be answered specifically
by these instructions, they should be referred to Warren
Controls Inc. for further detailed information and technical
assistance. This manual cannot possibly cover every situation
connected with the operation, adjustment, inspection, test,
overhaul and maintenance of the equipment furnished.
Every effort is made to prepare the text of this manual so
that engineering and design data is transformed into the
most easily understood wording. Warren Controls Inc., in
furnishing this equipment and this manual, must presume
that the operation and maintenance personnel assigned
thereto have sufficient technical knowledge and experience
to apply sound safety and operational practices which
may not be covered herein. In applications where Warren
Controls Inc. furnished equipment is to be integrated with
a process or other machinery, these instructions should be
thoroughly reviewed to determine the proper integration of
the equipment into the overall plant operational procedures.
Warren Controls does not assume responsibility for
the selection, use, or maintenance of any product.
Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance
of any Warren Controls product remains solely with the
purchaser and end-user